I'm pretty sure that the carbine is a little more powerful than the BR because of how fast you can shoot with it and how it is slightly quicker than the BR to kill an enemy but it is harder to control than the BR and that's why I like to use the BR a lot.
It all depends on the map too. When I make maps I usually have them the same because they are both well-balanced weapons with equality, only the Carbine is slightly stronger and the BR is more controllable. I think Carbines are used more around MLG than the BR so maybe in MLG maps I can see the Carbine having a slightly higher respawn time than the BR.
I am annoyed about the lack of Carbines on maps and have posted many threads on the topic. Now I have done an analysis to determine whether the Carbine is balanced with the BR. Results: Carbine: 9 damage/shot Clip: 18 Damage/clip: 162 Spread: same as BR Shots needed to kill: 8 BR: 6 damage/shot (18/burst) Clip: 36 Damage/clip: 216 Spread: same as Carbine Shots needed to kill: 4 I couldn't come up with a way to compare rate of fire,so I covered this by using Damage minus spread/shot. The BR has 3 times the chance of scoring a hit per shot/burst From this, my verdict is that the BR is more effective and is superior to the Carbine. This is because of the spread, because it is random, the BR is 3 times more likely to have a bullet score a headshot or score damage than the Carbine every shot/burst. Add to this the Carbine’s lower overall damage/clip and the evidence states that the Carbine is inferior. From halo wiki: "Also in Halo 3 its accuracy is decreased, causing it to be less reliable then the Battle Rifle." That result is not acceptable; the Carbine should be EQUAL to the BR and be on more maps. A simple solution would be to make the Carbine’s shots spread less or to make each shot do 10 damage.
I was pretty sure that Carbine needs 7 shots to kill, but maybe just on MLG settings. Anyway, i Carbine kills faster, so its more powerful, on the other hand, its harder to hit. Overall, BR is better, but less powerful. Between both, choose the BR.
Carbine kills ever so slightly faster, but you have to land every bullet to do so. With a BR in MLG, you can get a 4 shot with 8-10 out of your 12 rounds hitting. If you are hitting an easy target, then Carbine is superior, but in tough, close range fights then a BR can prevail quite frequently
BR>Carbine hands down. Take a person with mega BR skills and a person with mega carbine skills, person number 2's ass is grass
Way to back yourself up. Maybe try bringing back-up information to the table to support your thought because so far we all think that well yes, the BR beats Carbine hands down any day but Carbine is slightly stronger. It also depends on the shooter's accuracy. If you have 2 players of equal accuracy and it's perfect (meaning never miss) then I think the Carbine guy will win by just the slightest of seconds, however if two guys of equal accuracy fight each other and they have terrible aim, I bet the BR dude will take the battle. That is all based on opinion, not fact.
Can't the Carbine shoot almost 2 shots by the time the BR would fire off one burst of three? If I had two weapons sitting in front of me, carbine, and Battle rifle, I would personally take the Carbine.
I disagree strongly. I think that the Carbine is the same or maybe even greater power than the BR. The carbine does take less shots to kill somebody. Now I know that the Carbine usually has less shots. But I have to go with carbine on this one.
Ok, technically the battle rifle has more power, but if the carbine is aimed at an enemy who aims at the person with a battle rifle, firing at the same time without moving carbine wins with speed. By about 1/2 second.
Not true (well actually 3/4 true) because if you think about it, a single BR shot fires 3 shots at onece right? Well it takes 4 shots with the BR which is 4 shots x 3 per shot, meaning 12 bullets in total. The Carbine kills soemone in 8 shots. And if you want more information, you are able to fire 6 shots with the Carbine about just as fast as you can fire 3 shots with the BR (both 3/4 away from a kill) however the Carbine can let that last shot off a little tiny bit faster than the BR.
I've found that Carbines are more effective at close range than Battle Rifles. This is the competitive player's close-range alternative to the AR, in my opinion. However, at mid-to-long-range, the Battle Rifle is more operable and effective.
Do you guys suggest the Carbine to spawn longer on an MLG type map? Or do you think it's fine to put it at 10 second respawn. EDIT: the 10 seconds was just an EXAMPLE!
10 second?!?! Check MLG's standards, but I'd say 45/60 sounds reasonable, depending upon the number of Carbines on the map.
My friend and I stood a few feet from each other and he had a br and I had a carbine, The Carbine Won!