And where is the proof of that? How do we know she wasn't in like stasis in the pod while they were sucking the life out of her, and then when she was removed, she aged like 1000 years right away?
The Heritic Leader in Halo 2. So sad, he was the one who caused the Arbiter to have second thoughts about the covenant's beliefs. The Carmine Bros. I'm going to start a campaign, "SAVE THE CARMINES" They just suck at surviving don't they? Dizzy WTF happened to that drunken cowboy? That guy was hilarious. "Her name's Betty!"~lol RAAM What? I liked RAAM.
I can't say this was a sad moment, but I beat a Lvl. 50 Jigglypuff once, when I was like 7. I was extremely happy.
Because its clearly obvious. She was in the state they showed her the whole time. Dom couldnt cope with it.
The clone trooper with the blood-red handprint on his helmet from Star Wars: Republic Commando ****ing amazing character he was...
That poor Marine Technician guy in the beginning of Halo 1. I always felt bad for him when he run ahead of me and gets blown up. Sometimes I think, maybe if I ran a bit faster, he might have lived. It haunts me to this day.
Sev ;_; Cept we only assumed he died... they didn't do us the justice of creating a sequel to that AMAZING game.
AMAZING being the key word... it was overlooked as just another reason to pay George Lucas... there was so much substance...and it was the squad-based tactical game that handled the concept well that Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter did poorly.
Exactly, I dare say it has the best Squad AI ever, even as an xbox original game. With the next-gen consoles, their is so much they could have accomplished. But no... It had the star wars title, so everyone immediately assumed it wouldn't be good at all. How wrong they were. And to add insult to injury, as to continue the story, they wrote a book instead.
Yeah, I still own it, may return to it one day. Seriously, that game was incredible...I'd shell out money for a next-gen remake even. Shoddy advertising is what did it in. /sighs
And too my knowledge, it isn't even compatible with the new 360, thank god I still have my original xbox, or I would never be able to play that game again. Still, I keep it on my self as a reminder that not all Star Wars games are bad, but infact quite the opposite o/ to a fellow commando?
Yes, but we are talking about Republic Commando, an Xbox Original that fell into the clutches of biased dismissal and corporate advertisement. It was a truely a revolutionary game, and it got no credit what-so-ever because people thought it was another Star Wars title. Anyway, back on topic.... Your dog in Fable 2, so sad. Also, your sister. Your dad in Fable 1. Qui-Gon Jin in the Obi-Wan Kenobi game
Half Life 2 Episode 2-Eli Vance SW Republic Commando- Sev CoD4-Cpt Price, Gaz, SSgt Griggs CoD WaW- Sgt Sullivan and Sgt Roebuck(if not saved) Dead Space-Zach Hammond
Galen Marek in the Force Unleashed... both endings, it was just sad. Especially the Dark side one though, even if he didnt truly die, that was horrific. Maria, Tai and the Carmine Bros in GoW 1 and 2. Srgt. Johnson in Halo 3. I practically cried. :/