Hey, all! For those who know me and those who don't, I have been without my laptop for several months now. Why? Because of... That is a still-shot of what's recently infected my computer. Now, for those less-than-computer-savvy folks, I'll explain. MS AV is a fake Antivirus that appears commonly after one attempts to download a video of some sort from the internet. It lists several fake viruses/trojans on your computer, and prompts you to "restore your MS AV" by giving them $50.00. I'm one of the lucky ones who noticed it was fake before I gave the $50.00. However, my computer does remain infected with this little bugger. Allow me to list a few issues with my computer as of now: Unable to access several areas of my "DeskTop Properties" bar, including "Background." That is, an annoying background is set on my computer by the trojan, and I am incapable of removing it. Each time I start my computer, I view only that background- nothing else. However, I've managed to start up the task manager and end a few processes that allow me to navigate my computer again. I am unable to remove the base program, MS AV, via my Add/Remove Programs. I am denied any form of internet access on my computer. Try as I may, I can't get it to budge. Even after ending and deleting every spec of "MS AV" I could find, my internet still refused to connect. This is the most tragic flaw, as it prevents me from downloading a SpyWare remover from the internet. I CAN'T GET ON FORGEHUB! I can't talk to my e-friends from my bed anymore. I'm now a burden to my family because I use the business computer for my Bnet/FH/PandoraRadio explorations. Now, I am perfectly capable of taking my little jewel back to the place I bought it from, but I'm not too crazy about paying the ridiculous fees. I know it's physically possible to manually remove it, but I'm pretty ignorant concerning the innards of my computer. Thus, I request (from another computer) the assistance of my ForgeHub friends. Please, if you've any advice, or could even suggest a program I could buy for a price cheaper than having my computer repaired, I would absolutely love to hear it. Thanks a lot.
Wow. Damn those scammers. But that is a very easy way to get money. Very smart. Thanks for the tip, I'll be more careful next time MS AV pops up.
haha....ha? That's funny, that same exact thing has been happening to me for the past month and idk if it is really doing anything to my computer... I run spybot and xoftspySE 2-3 times a week... Sometimes I get one virus that keeps popping up on Xoftspy... but that annoying little thing in the bottom right keeps popping up every 2 minutes. AND NO I wasn't looking at pr0n, my friend tried to download the office from some random site and this happened... So yeah, if anyone knows how to fix it that'd be great...... gracias
I got rid of it in minutes with Spyhunter 3, sorry to hear it got the better of you drum... Spyhunter 3 Security 3 does a nice job of ousting it, but I don't think it's free.
i used a system restore to get rid of it just ask drawing man what it is and how to do it it works really good
I tried System Restore, but I'd not previously set any Restore Checkpoints; so, that can't work =[[[[
It has infected me too but I can still acess everything. Its just a burden, its slower and it pops up often...
For you, Furry, I recommend simply going into your Windows Task Manager; then, select Processes; then, Select "MSA" and hit, END PROCESS.
Because if you have Comcast, that means you get free McAfee. Just saying, cause I didn't know until a while ago, and yeah.
This is why system restore points are a good thing. Back up regularly and often on a separate HDD, and if need be, use a system restore disk to reinstall windows.
Thank you, Whisper, and everyone else. However, as I said in the original post, I do not have internet access on that computer due to the trojan. I'm currently installing SpyBot1.6, which I was lead to by G04. So, we'll be seeing what that does in the near future. *crosses fingers*
Buy a small usb drive for around 30 bucks. Get a friend to put the .exe file from of the spyware remover you want on the usb drive. Then, install it on your computer. However, you would have to get your friend to download the newer definitions for you since you cannot get access to the internet. I would end processses on all the bugs in the task manager first and then install the remover.