I am in the process of creating a ctf map that may be to hard or very frustrating to play please read my description and let me know what u think. The game will start with both teams at there base the teams will have to fight there way to the top of a structure in the middle of the map were both teams flags are located next to one another. once a team has grabbed there flag the team must now take there flag into the opposing teams base in order to score. oh and there are elements within the map that the teams will have to "SAFELY" navigate through. So both teams will be fighting eachother while fighting the elements of the map it's a trifecta of pain
At first you kinda poisoned me against the ides with the first paragraph lol. But it actually sound pretty cool. What you're going to have to think about is what kind of structure is in the middle. Don't just make it some pyramid or anything or people aren't going to like it. It has to be interesting, and possibly deadly :squirrel_giggle: So what were you thinking in regards to that?
the structure is a some sort of 4 runner energy source kind of like a fusion reactor 4 levels high and it looks great my issue is with after fighting there way up top then have to push through the opposing teams base the reactions im getting from friends is it will be to hard the map is not finished so we have not actully played it yet
consept sounds good, just make sure that the flag respawn time is long because if your putting your flag into the enemy base whilst "fighting the elements" its gonna take along time..
true! i was hoping to keep the game types to default so that way its one less thing people will have to dl but u make scence i might just have to do that also something to keep in mind is that the map im using is foundry so it will be small im not sure if that will persuade u to accept default ctf
Don't worry about the gametypes having to be downloaded, at default the map wouldn't work well. It's not much of an inconvenience anyways. And don't make the structure 4 boxes high--4 is higher than a player can go. even a full 3 levels is pushing it in my mind; jumping height is restricted. But be more specific on exactly how the structure looks.
Ok, anitialy i was making a single nutrial flag map and by the time i realized that the option did not exist in halo 3 the map was done so i recreated the whole map for the gametype described above so here is a pick of my initial map which is not set for dl. note: the structure in the revised map was tweaked and there are some changes the new map Reign comming soon [img width=800 height=450]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/8023/reign2copycz3.jpg[/img]