Forge Sketchup Concept Thread I made this thread for anyone who wants to post their concept map in sketchup. If you haven't already downlaoded Fritzster Sketchup Forge Components pack, please do so here. Well, I'll be working on more in sketchup, so expect me to be posting here... Otherwise, if you dont know how to "present" your concept, just go into sketchup, go to where you have a good view, and press the screenshot button on your keyboard. Then, go through the regular process of uploading/embedding pictures here to share with us. If you upload your concept to google warehouse for us to see, I'd be glad you give you some CnC on your creation, so link us here.
I've used SketchUp for a long time and know all sorts of hidden tricks. That's why if you see a box or something that looks transparent or like a "grid," that is a guide. I can keep in mind how far away things are this way. Guides obviously will not be in my final project. SketchUp File - "Project Crisis"
These are the bases for one of our dear lol forgers lol here on lol It's going to be called MLG Adrenaline, and I offered to make him a sketchup for what he has already.
Overview: Base v.1: Spawn: I redid my sketchup it is much cleaner now... and im still working on the rest...
Well, I decided to see if I could come up with an idea and just started placing structures, and here's what I came up with. Note that this is just the bones of the map and I have not added any details. I could really use some constructive criticism because this will be my first map (that's actually worth showing anyway). So any advice and suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Overview: The big central structure will be moved to the right so it is centered (that's why the bridge looks bad). There will be a second base in the bottom left corner where i indicated that it similar to the other base. Back View: The view of the back structure. Obviously the fence boxes are where the map is cutoff. Base View: View of the base. Like I said, there's no detail here that will be present in the final product. Well there ya go. I haven't decided on a name for it or anything. I'm debating on whether or not to find a partner to help me forge and keep me company, but I'll let you know. Don't forget to comment!