MLG Darkwater

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Dj DiN, Nov 7, 2008.


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  1. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    Applicable game-types: MLG game variants

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Battle Rifle / x9 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Covenant Carbine / x2 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Mauler / x4 / 1 Clip / 2 minutes
    Plasma Grenade / x4 / N/A / 1 minute


    Download: Darkwater Map Pack


    The Story of Darkwater


    Map Description

















    Applicable game-types: Any (Team-based and FFA)

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Sniper Rifle / x4 / 1 Clip / 3 Minutes
    Battle Rifle / x8 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Spiker / x4 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Mauler / x4 / No Clips / 90 Seconds
    Shotgun / x2 / 1 Clips / 2 minutes
    Sentinel Beam / x 2 / N/A / 2 Minutes (1 doesn't spawn at start)
    Rocket Launcher / x1 / 1 Clip / 3 minutes
    Spartan Laser / x1 / N/A / 3 minutes
    Frag grenade / x 4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Plasma Grenade / x8 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Spike Grenade / x4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Power Drain / x2 / N/A / 60 Seconds
    Custom Power-ups / x2 / N/A / 3 Minutes (does not spawn at start)


    What is Spec-Op?: Spec-Op game variants were created by the Se7enth Legion for a new type of hardcore competitive gaming. Like MLG rules, Spec-Op (or SPEC) maps are symmetrical and have designated weapon sets.

    What are Spec-Op rules?:
    - No shields
    - No sensors
    - Player movement is increased to 110%
    - Player damage resistance is reduced to 50%
    - SMG/Magnum starting and secondary weapons
    - No grenades at start

    What weapons and equipment are allowed on Spec-Op maps?:
    (Weapon or equipment type / # of clips / minimum respawn time)
    - Magnum / 2 Clips / 30 seconds
    - SMG / 2 Clips / 30 seconds
    - Assault Rifle / 2 Clips / 90 seconds
    - Battle Rifle / 0 Clips / 90 seconds
    - Frag Grenades / N/A / 2 minutes
    - Flare (or Flash grenade) / N/A / 30 seconds

    Spec-Op game variants

    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Magnum / x8 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    SMG / x 10 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Assault Rifle / x6 / 2 Clips / 90 Seconds
    Battle Rifle / x4 / No Clips / 90 Seconds
    Frag Grenade / x4 / N/A / 2 minutes
    Flare(Flash Grenade) / x2 / N/A / 30 Seconds


    This map is brought to you by the Se7enth Legion.
  2. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What the ?
    Weapon or Equipment/ # of Item / # of Clips / Respawn time
    Sniper Rifle / x4 / 1 Clip / 3 Minutes
    Battle Rifle / x8 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Spiker / x4 / 2 Clips / 30 Seconds
    Mauler / x4 / No Clips / 90 Seconds
    Shotgun / x2 / 1 Clips / 2 minutes
    Sentinel Beam / x 2 / N/A / 2 Minutes (1 doesn't spawn at start)
    Rocket Launcher / x1 / 1 Clip / 3 minutes
    Spartan Laser / x1 / N/A / 3 minutes
    Frag grenade / x 4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Plasma Grenade / x8 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Spike Grenade / x4 / N/A / 10 Seconds
    Power Drain / x2 / N/A / 60 Seconds
    Custom Power-ups / x2 / N/A / 3 Minutes (does not spawn at start)

    MLG Does not use power drains,Flare, Assault Rifle, SMGs, spike grenades, shotguns, spartan lasers and what the hell is the sentanal beam for ?

    and the 2 custom power ups ?

    this is not MLG soory you should move to the other post :D
  3. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    You obviously didn't read the post, there are three versions of this map with three different weapon sets.

    There are also no custom power-ups in the MLG version.
  4. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea but dude you should of only put your mlg map in this fourm and the other versions in the other fourm
  5. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What difference does it make? It's a map pack.
  6. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    He is partially right, you should post the other maps elsewhere or all of them. But he is incorrect because the MLG setup does only have MLG weapons
  7. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    He isnt partially right. Hes completely right. MLG maps dont only not use equipment, they also dont use barriers, shield doors, pallets, roadblocks, crates, and especially fusion coils. You should read up on MLG map standards because this sir is not an MLG map. The map seems very open but I like your house but you should really get this moved to the MLG map section. BTW, putting an MLG gamevariant still keeps the grenades and all movable objects on the map and MLG does not use spike grendades.
  8. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    With all due respect, this map plays very well on MLG gametypes. I has been tested multible times in 4 vs 4 team games on multible variants. It follows MLG standards almost to the tee but, is slightly unorthodox. Let me explain, while MLG maps don't use barriers or pallets, or energy shields. They are essential to the aesthetics and the physics of this inparticular map. They do not provide either team with an advantage. I think you'll notice that in certain MLG maps like Amplified, the author had used equipment like the active camo and the custom power up for aesthetic purposes, I believe as you said,

    Which I actually think you meant that MLG maps do not use equipment, becuase your sentence was a double negative. Well in this case equipment pieces were used and Amplified is used in MLG matchmaking. As far as the fusion coils go, they are strategically placed for objective games to prevent camping. This map, will most likely not achieve matchmaking status and I suspect it will be used for custom games in which case I wouldn't knock it until you try it.

    BTW, this is a map pack, which means there are three different maps. Darkwater, MLG Darkwater, and SPEC Darkwater. Which means MLG Darkwater was desgined specifically for MLG game variants. I also recommend reading a post before knocking it, because if you read the very beginning of the post, you'd see that there are no spike grenades in MLG Darkwater.

    As far as following MLG rules, I followed them more than most official MLG maps. For example, MLG Construct and MLG Pit have Rocket Launchers. MLG guardian is not symmetrical. MLG Amplified and MLG Onslaught use equipment for scenery pieces.

    My map is symmetrical, it carries only MLG weapons (Battle Rifle, Mauler, Carbine, and Plasma Grenades.) It has no equipment what so ever (the Custom Powerups were removed from MLG Darkwater) and it also plays all game scenarios whether competitive or objective based.
  9. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Your missing the point, custom and camo are "power ups" and there is no rule against using them especially to mark base sides. A regen, power drain, and flare classify under equipment that MLG does NOT use. They also do not accept shield doors or any movable object. You have so many rules broken that 99% of the people that download MLG maps will not download this. As far as the map itself, it doesn't have an MLG feel to it at all. The map is vertically challenged, and the layout is boring. Maybe you should classify it as a SWAT map as that would make more sense.
  10. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know that is why I didn't use any of them.

    If that is the case OG, why do you use dumpsters and barriers in your maps?

    You speak as if you played it. Because the only people who have tested this map are people I polled from MLG matchmaking and they loved it, especially on MLG KOTH.

    Not not really, the map actually has many diferrent access routes and provides proficient amounts of cover. I admit it is unorthodox, but I recommend trying other peoples work before stepping on it.

    I don't really like SWAT. My Spec-Ops game rules play better than SWAT.

    I understand what people are saying about this map, but to my defense I was trying to go for something fresh and original. I might add that in gameplay it is very balanced and very competitve. There are three version of this map. I love playing MLG so I made an MLG version of this map. If you don't like the idea just move along, you don't need to destroy over 20 hours of hardwork in five minutes without even playing a map. Have some respect for your peers.
  11. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    if you made this a map pack you shouldnt have made 2 individual posts for it then. You should have kept the map post on the competitive section with 2 download links instead. I played a game of MLG TS V5 and your spawns need work. Not sure if you did, but use spawn areas.
  12. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
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    I did use spawn areas and the map did play better on objective based games. I recommend Team KOTH, MultiFlag, Neutral Assault, and Team Oddball. Also, technically, I didn't have to post it as a map pack, I could've post it as three separate maps, but that would've been excessive. Two posts are better than three. And considering people don't take MLG maps seriously in the competitive category it made more sense to post it here. I also wanted to enter it for the Pro-Forging contest.

    Seriously, enough with the counter productive feedback. Here is the guidelines for an MLG map, as posted by ForgeHub;

    I have followed all of these criteria to the tee. The only controversial one is

    But, while my map is is not tall, it holds many different strategic routes and plays in a similar fashion to MLG Pit. Which also lacks 3 dimentional depth.
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    im done arguing with you because you shouldnt have made an mlg version for this map. it isnt up to standards to mlg because those "aesthetics" effect gameplay which isnt supposed to happen. So if this doesnt get through to your thick skull then whatever. BTW map packs hardly get featured.
  14. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    This thread should be moved and/or locked, it's turned into a spam fest and is clearly in the wrong section.
  15. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My map fits all the guidelines presented, I have more than enough right to post it here. You people are the ones giving it all this unnecessary and counter productive controversy.
  16. providence

    providence Ancient
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    I dont think this map is ment to be in the mlg catagory but still its well made
  17. providence

    providence Ancient
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    i agree with the otthers lol
  18. Dj DiN

    Dj DiN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map follows all the guidelines of an MLG map. I have posted them for you all to read. If you don't like the map, don't download it. All this spam is counter productive. I have a right to post my map here like everyone else does. I don't deserve to be harassed by a naive 14 year old who thinks he's an MLG mastermind. If you don't think this map has all the qualities that make an MLG map fluid, then I challenge you to play it on objective based games with even teams of 3v3 or 4v4.

    BTW, as I said before, I followed the MLG guidelines almost to the tee. If ForgeHub didn't think this map was an MLG map they would've moved it already. So please, stop spamming and let me talk about something productive like the competitve qualities of the map.
  19. Joey 14x

    Joey 14x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like the map its very well made i dont see anything wrong with it. me and my friends played it and they thought it was very well made and it was challanging on team CTF. very good, hope u make more
  20. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map realy creative

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