Well if this is real than I must say that map look cool. I know that it will be a cool map to play on.
Gaming Front Network - News: Halo 3 Recon and Mythic Map Pack details leaked Heres a few more pictures that i thought looks pretty rad.
sounds nice but it sounds like there will be multiple rockets a snipers and it looks like a medium-small map.
I knew Orbital would be in space. But I thought it was supposed to be bigger... Wasn't this Moonbase Alpha??? Bungie described Moonbase Alpha as a very large symmetrical map. Which this isn't. Thoughts?
No, they've said moonbase=orbital and they've always said it was midsized. I think its more room base and will be bigger than the pictures indicate.
Needs moar intermerging 2/5 kthxbi Lol, nice find, glad to see more covenant based maps in the Mythic MP. I don't really like human maps like High Ground and stuff so this looks really good.
Now great information here! I guess this is from the new game informer, but I think my subscription just ran out last month. aaargh!!!! lol I'll check my mail though
Can't really tell if it's going to be good/bad from those two pictures, but it reminds me of Chill Out/Cold Storage.
There isn't necessarily mogooses in this map. If you wanted to you could place mongooses (mongees?) on Guardian too, but in forge mode. Either way looks like sweet gameplay and **** forging =)