So, as we know Bungie is making new maps. From what I've heard, Bungie is testing the maps. Also, I heard that they plan for release in February. If possible, do you think that they should release it earlier? During say...Christmas?
The map pack is set to release in January. (After Christmas, so hold onto your MS points before you spend them!) That's what Bungie said in one of their Updates on, did'nt they? Maybe it is February, but I don't care because I'll get them the day the map's come out. I'll be ready... >:]
I don't think the maps should be pushed for early release. I'd rather them be perfect then play on em all buggy and stuff. aka: I don't mind the wait. I'll stick to the currents till then
*Moved to halo discussion* All bungie has said is that they will be out in early '09 and with the new details about halo wars being the first chance to get the new maps, it would seem that they will not be out until sometime in february after halo wars' release date.
I believe the limited edition of Halo Wars is supposed to have them before they are available in the Market place but that does not come out till February. They seem to have set it enough that they will not move it earlier. Although it would be nice considering that is when people will have the most time to play. I do fear though, that with another pay to purchase map pack will make the unfortunate situation where only one or two people in your party don't have the maps even more consistent.
Bungie Said in GI they are aiming for early early next year Jan-Feb. but ya as posted above me itll come with halo wars LE. The box art will have elites and a main elite dual wielding a sword loox pretty cool you guys shud look it up.