I heard that Left 4 Dead has a Map Making tool. Is this true? If so, wouldn't that be awesome? Probably Left 4 Dead's Map Making would be atleast a little better then halo 3's. Such as adding doors, and buildings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIZUYgMDc5QYou really have to decide for yourself. Some people say its great while other hate it, its all your own opinion. Extra: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYs48mutlKo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LqigeKKp9U&feature=related
Sooo.........I really don't get it, how do you make....well, anything in the map editor? I watched that first video and I had no idea what was going on.... And please tell me the final version of the game isn't gonna have such plain-looking custom maps, at least add a little detail or something!!!
Meh why bother. The game will be awesome but just play the game. IMO these devs are just trying to follow up the bandwaggon success of forge. Also, I heard a lot of type..it might be a pc only thing?
Looks like more of a developer's tool to me. Either way, it would be pretty cool to survive zombie attacks on your own maps. Kind of like a new infection...
Awww this? This is what computer games use. Its nothing like forge I guess the best thing to call it is a 'Text Based" Map maker. So now since we have this, it'll limit the maps down so people who are complete idiots cant make maps.
You do know those are what map makers are? Text based? The consoles are actually the unusual map editors. Also, thses map editors are much, much better.
Wow I didn't even know it was going to have one! This game is ****ing awsome in my opinion a nd a definite purchase. Now with map making it makes it even a better game. Now I can just make hordes come at me, or scare my friends with haunted houses, etc. This is really going to make people more excited about the game, and make online experience much more funner. Only thing is it always the same people (Lois,Billl,Zoey,Francis)? If so won't there only be able to hold 4 players?
Sorry to be a party pooper, but the only map editing that will be done on L4D will be on the PC. Not for the 360.
Yeah, too bad about the map editor. My cousin's dad helped in the making of the game. Don't ask me what he does or anything like that. I just know that he works at Valve. I am getting my copy of the game tomorrow morning
Im sorry but you said a lot of things have map editors. you sir are completely wrong. Left 4 Dead doesnt need a map editor. sure it only has like 5 maps but they will hopefully release more in the near future.
Michael Booth (works for Valve) has stated that there will be more maps and customizable characters to come. Also, a flamethrower was hinted.
I'm going to assume all the people above me are talking about the console version; the videos are of Source SDK, which is a modding/mapmaking tool for the source engine, not just L4D. You get it when you buy any steam game. This is PC Only. I usually don't like to flame people but this one stuck out: "Meh why bother. The game will be awesome but just play the game. IMO these devs are just trying to follow up the bandwaggon success of forge. Also, I heard a lot of type..it might be a pc only thing? " You sir are an idiot. Trying to bandwagon off the success of forge? Forge doesn't even allow you to make your own maps, and you can only place a limited amount of weapons on the map with some ridiculous budget concept. Source SDK has also been around since way before Forge.