Step one(the hardest one): Turn on your Xbox 360, make sure you have an Xbox 360 remote control that works plugged in. Step two: Turn on your Television, and make sure it is on the right channel, so you see your Xbox 360 dashboard or your game. Step three: If you are in a game, hit the Xbox guide button(the X in the middle of the remote), then hit the Y button. Step four: When you are in your dashboard, hit the middle button yet again. Step five: Go to Personal Settings and hit A. Step six: Go to Themes and hit A. Step se7en: Go to Customize and hit A. Step eight: Go to Guide Background and hit A. Step nine: Go to Custom Color and hit A. Step ten: Make the following values: Red: 60 Green: 10 Blue: 10 Step eleven: Hit A. Step twelve: Dance and send shock theta a message saying that you "DID IT!". OR, [youtube]jNSoTnNbgzA[/youtube] EMBDED! Video might take a while to get on youtube, I just uploaded it.
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR REALLY hard to see, but awesome at the same time...and instructions are so noob proof lol
I've always had the Bungie theme from the legendary edition since Halo 3 came out, it works for me. Maybe I should change my colors around a bit though. At least I have noob proof instructions so I don't mess it up.
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR I may try it when I get home, the only reason I might not use it is because of the text color.
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR nice. i'm going to do this right this instant. or when I get home...
It's kinda hard to see though... Microsoft should make it so you can change the font color too, or can you?
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR I'm good with Carbon, thank you. Though I suppose this would be useful if, you know, you're into blood and stuff.
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR Wow, I knew about the custom colors, but I'm going to try this blood red color now.
i would...everyone else keeps changing the guide. I prefer the normal guide, though. It's nice and readable. I do occasionally change the theme, but i always keep the guide bg at default.
Re: Making your Xbox 360 guide look like blood in less than 60 seconds. =NOOB PR i found that really obvious and most people could probably find it