
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Revoltingmadman, Nov 16, 2008.


unlockable recon

  1. good

    16 vote(s)
  2. bad

    19 vote(s)
  1. Revoltingmadman

    Revoltingmadman Ancient
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    do you think its a good idea for bungie to make recon armor unlockable.
    personally i think thats a horrible idea
  2. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I think it's a horrible idea too, but recently I really can't really agree with anything Bungie is doing.
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I think it's a great idea. Recon has been nothing but trouble for Bungie and the Halo community.

    It's original purpose was to serve as a reward, to promote user created content, which was new to the Halo series, and also as a means for Bungie to reward it's community while not having requiring any physical gift from them.

    Although since it's release many people with Recon have been hacked and threatened and a large portion of the community have become obsessed with aquiring it, and it has destroyed the forums, as everyone acts as if Bungie is constantly looking over their shoulders. This means that you can not find an honest opinion on the forums, and any kind of suggestion towards the title is instantly shot down by these helmet-whoring wanabees.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I think I don't give a flying ****.
  5. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
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    AMEN BROTHER! You said what everbody is thinking. or atleast all the people who aren't insane with getting recon. i would plus rep you but rep doesnt do anything
  6. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I agree with Matty. It's only been trouble for everyone. And it's not like it's even that easy to unlock it, the vidmaster achievements aren't no-brainers. And now I won't get that OMG DOWNLOAD NAO 4 RECONZ LOOLOLOLOLOLOLL spam from everyone.
  7. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    It has it's ups and downs.

    Recon is supposed to be a reward. But it turned into a prize.

    Bungie will no longer have anything to reward to the players but the spamming will finally end.

    But it will get annoying when EVERYONE is whering recon everywhere.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    There will probably be a new type of armor for the employees.
    Or maybe everyone that currently has recon will get the fire.
    who knows?
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    quoted for mass wisdom and truth.
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I think my opinion > Matty's.
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Terrible idea. as soon as they release it it is all that everybody wears. Some people at just need to suck up to the fact that they probably will never have recon. Of coure recon will be free, bungie has announced that. Damn Matty makes convincing points
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    This is like watching little girls arguing over who gets to wear make up.
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Its for the greater good.

    Bungie's smart. They'll know they'll have more people buy the expansion just for the sole reason of recon. Even though they're not buying it for the 'right' reasons, bugnie will be recieving cash, and thats what it basically comes down to.

    They probably already have a new armour permutation, or working on one. Its basically going to repeat hayabusa. Recon will get old soon enough and the possible new armour will be the old recon.

    As Matty said Recon has caussed more trouble then just beign armour. People have lost their accounts and possibly been charged on their credit card for just Halo 3 armour. This will most likely clear all the problems up.
  14. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Yeah, you could look at this two ways.
    Bungie making Recon unlockable will release a burden from their shoulders because of all the threads, spammers, complainers, etc. that have begged for Recon. In this case, you could say this is a good thing because the Bungie community deserves equal opportunity and something in return. Bungie's made a smart marketing move by "forcing" us to buy the next map pack in order to satisfy our needs for Recon, but this may not be necessarily right for the community...
    Bungie making Recon unlockable will defeat the purpose behind why Recon armor was created in the first place: to be exclusive.
    Personally, I think unlockable Recon is a bad idea because its acquisition won't be satisfying at all when you have half your friends with it too. Let's just say it will end up as the Hayabusa armor once was (and maybe still is? not sure). Also, I would feel bad for those who actually achieved something to get their Recon.
    So, IMHO, if Bungie is making it unlockable, then you should be able to get it by doing something CRAZY HARD, like SLASO or something. I mean, my opinion isn't die-hard here, and whatever Bungie decides to do, I'll be fine with.

    Last thing: When Recon was exclusive, people complained about it because they wanted it. Now, Bungie is like "Fine, we will give you Recon," and people in the community (like me) don't want it anymore. Oh, the irony. Lol.
  15. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i could less i always have Odst on ever since i got it. plus i personaly think recon helm looks retarded
  16. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Now all those bitches will complain about E.O.B. great just what we need new things that they ***** about. However the Vidmaster Challenge : Anuall is actually considered to be "teh ub3r h4xorx".
  17. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Bungie has already said that they will not be creating anymore armor permutations. As well Bungie really could careless how much they tempt us by putting recon in the expansion pack. They are still getting paid one way or another by Microsoft for this game, and they already know Microsoft has dumped them. Yes, that is the reality, they got dumped. They won't even be making Halo 4. I am not surprised. I use to be a Bungie Fan, but after you spend a couple months seeing the issues associated with Bungie it becomes very clear they screw around too much now. Did you know Microsoft was scared that Bungie wouldn't deliver Halo 3 on time? It came that close that Microsoft dropped them because of the promises Microsoft had made to people about Halo 3's release date September 25, 2007. Ironically, why do you think Microsoft actually wanted to keep Halo 3 : Recon a secret? No, it wasn't because they were afraid of sales for this holiday's games would drop, but because of Bungie's History with Halo 3 and how they almost couldn't deliver. Microsoft wanted to keep this new game a secret because they wanted to make sure for themselves that Bungie's track-record would not affect Halo 3 : Recon. I mean they do make great games, but the bigger picture I guess is Bungie really isn't as smart as you think or they'd be lined up with BIGGER projects after Halo 3 : Recon. They still can't even get passed that idea.
  18. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I concur.

    Personally I believe that it's fine to give recon out now with the vidmasters.
    But the rest of the vidmaster achievements better be pretty damn hard to get. We don't want every 8 year old on XBL to have it.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    And yet you know its going to happen.... it'll be the new katana....

    We can only hope there is a problem with unlocking it, lol.
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I'm against it myself. It's like saying "Hey you got 20,000,000 downloads on your pictures, great! You can be have this special armor...just like everyone else has!"

    IDK...knowing a bunch of people with recon, I think it's kind of insulting in a way, even though it will be in a year and probably most of us will have gotten bored of Halo anyway. Recon is that thing you never think about (at least myself), but its always kind of there, it gives you some reason to do things and keep playing. Now, for me, I have FH, I'm happy, I have a good community. But most people don't, and recon is where they find a way to keep playing Halo. I think Bungie is sacrificing their long term fans for a short term gain and a whole lot of money.

    They shouldve just given out recon a little more. And as for hacking, you CAN take it off. Also, if your careful with it you shouldnt get hacked. One of my friends has had it since when Halo 3 came out (first guy, actually...pretty cool :p ), and he's never gotten hacked. Hassled? Yes, but he says himself he'd rather have that then loose it, and if he wants he can just take it off.

    I can see the point people are trying to make with it, but I think Bungie should've kept it premium, and just given it out a little more. Let urk hand it out, and he'd do some great stuff with it.

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