Oh and I want to upgrade my internet from 4 mb/s to 16 mb/s, but we will have that done before X-Mas.
Another 360, Another acc New shoes Some clothes New ipod New plasma New phone? And thats bout it. I dont want that much this year.
Astro A40 MLG Edition Headset Guitar Guitar Hero: WT External Hard Drive Not much but most are expensive.
AIrsoft gun the same airsoft gun as number 1 the same one as number 2 but different then number 1 i cant believe I am making a list book of lists i really should stop text $$$
iPhone 16GB Black... That's all I want... But since I probably won't get one; Echo 1 G36K AEG Left 4 Dead XBL Renewal Clothes
Fallout 3 CoD:WaW Left 4 Dead Halo Wars LE Pre-ordered 250 MB Memory Card 2000 Microsoft Points card Wired 360 Controller Wired Microphone (The reason its so small is because the family is getting an HDTV for the living room)
What i want for christmas is : 1. Damian 4 Bass guitar worth a total of about $560 and would require a $100 or more amplifier.But il probably get a different one... 2.Gears of War 2 3.Go phone or pre-paid phone cause thats all id get for a new phone 4.New Sweatshirts 5.WoW Account subscription and expansion Thats it
I don't want anything for Christmas. If I'm going to get something, then it's going to be my own Xbox 360.
Oh I'm so sorry. Maybe I'll be really nice and send you my Xbox 360, but wait. I don't even know where it is.
my Family is low on cash this year,hospital slashed my moms hours, heres my list of what i KNOW i will get. New camera. cybershot or polaroid clothes my Birthday is Jan 2nd so ill post it too Left 4 Dead - Gears 2 ill buy MS points and xbx live cards with money i accumulate. i see some ur guys' lists, i wish i cud get that much
I don't get a Christmas this year... We're too poor... All I want for Christmas is to be able to continue living in my apartment...