There's a lot of people that this could apply to, you don't have to single people out. I don't think that was very nice? :squirrel_jaffa:
Hehe, I didn't realize that what's today's comic. Although I wish that Tim would continue the Lilah's pregnant story arc. He introduces a new story arc he's been planning for 2 years and then all of a sudden he starts talking about train guns and the dangers of internet forums.
Whenever he starts strips like these, hes going to start a new arc. It might be the same, or diffrent from the last one.
Disagree. It wasn't funny. Stuff like "LONGCAT IS LONG" is stupid. Whatever. Just look at the picture, get the message guys. Every forum needs their own thing.
roflcopter that was funny lolskate. but really, that is wut most forums are, bumpidy bump bump (like the bungie forums)
There are too many new members like this, there are some that are good enough not too. But I can have the occasional l33t response FTW.
But longcat IS long. Penguin, you want FH to not end up like this, but you post this in General Chat? Tsk tsk tsk... well I'm not sure if I should move it... your thread Penguin.
I'm just saying, i'm sick and tired of having an intelligent discussion, and some stupid kid will come and go "[1 SIDE OF DISCUSSION] FTW" because he thinks FTW is a reason. If you're going to be stupid, at least make me laugh.