Template Round 5 Discussion Thread. This is the thread to chat about the contest. In it you can post pictures of your map or speak of ideas your cooking up or even find a partner! I'd also like to talk about how the new system is going to work, as you know each round, I've increased the given time by a week, but from this point on-word its going to remain as one month. So Round 5 Will be a month. Another thing is that its going to be done all by voting. After the one month is up, and the thread is locked. A new thread will be opened for voting. After one week of voting, the votes will be tallied and the winner will be announced. There is no more reserving spots in the submission thread Here . It was getting way to spammy. So once again, this is the thread to chat, find partners and even post pictures of your map. Good Luck to all!
^ Lol. Realistically, you could just put a big wall between the hammer and the drainer, effectively separating them so you don't have to worry about them conflicting with each other.
The winners will be announced either tonight or Tuesday. Hang in there http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=FYPSq_QMk5c
You should have had people dancing on the template to go with the music, as if it were like a club or something. That's would've been chill. EDIT: Wait, wtf. Since when were the vertical double boxes on Syndicate by shotgun closed boxes? On the map I have, they're open boxes..... It was up-dated.
Yay another Template contest! These contests are tight. This Template looks interesting, but I have no clue what I'm going to do with it... I was going to enter in the last contest but I didn't finish my map in time =,( I'll probably finish it later and post it, but who knows?
Wait, I'm sorry if I missed it like an idiot but do already have the template made and posted or is this thread used to suggest ideas for it?
Okay I found it. Wow I feel like an idiot now. Anyway I think I might have a few ideas with that template, I just need to get my Xbox back first so I can work on it.
what boggles my mind about this template contest map is why there are such crooked merges Its a tough one indeed.