So, in Halo 3:Recon, Bungie will probably put forge in. I mean it makes sense. Forge is the best part of Halo 3. Anyways, what do you think should be added/changed? Ex. Big budget/auto BG maps, more scenery (hills, mountains, maps with every object, etc.), or some misc. thing.
Ok, I didn't totally realize that it was just a campaign expansion, but couldn't they add expansions into forge?
Halo 3 recon is an expansion of the halo3 campain there will probably be new weapons but the only thing i think that bungie will do is fix glitches in forging. Who knows why might get something new
they fix the mistakes, when the new game comes out to get the most profit, recon is only an expansion.
No, they're adding a whole bunch of stuff, supposedly. "With exclusive new maps and expanded Forge options, Xbox LIVE® Gold members will find more multiplayer content than ever before with Halo 3: Recon." | Xbox News - A New Look at the Halo Universe
yah, i would love it as snap to 90 degrees or something... or even better, DOUBLE SIDED INFECTION!!!!!
as in every kill makes it so that player kills spawns on the other team? And so even if you are all alone, last man standing, you can regain teamates by killing someone??? Epic XD That reminds me of the movie Dodgeball, and their official rules and stuff. Thatd be cool.. but yea, I think its just an expansion. However, when you say they are fixing the forge glitches, will that mean no more interlocking, geomerging or budget glitches or anything??? Cause thatd just be cruel...
Bungie clearly stated that there will be forge in Halo 3 Recon. It is a campain extention but it will contain multiplayer maps. I predict that Longshore, Heretic and Orbital will be the maps. But read Bungie's weekly updates since Recon was announced. There will indeed be forge in some way, shape or form!
The Forge system will be new, they are also fixing some mistakes which were found in Halo 3. (Glitching out of levels using the Gun Turret, Geo-merging (Maybe) Infinite Money and some more. However, I don't know them all. Halo 3: Recon will be Epic, I really want to do the Campaign as on ODST. (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) Bungie said that the Heroic & Legendary Map Pack will be in it, not the Mythic though. If you want the mythic map pack, you have to download it. (If you already have it, there is no need to download it again) But seeing as the game is due to come out in 2009. The Mythic Map Pack will probably be out and the Legendary will be FREE! Lol.
*moved to halo discussion* Bungie has said that there will not be any major changes to forge, so I doubt many of the things you guys are discussing will be added.
bungie did say that there would be new forge stuff. i am pretty sure they said that... i think it was in the first or second announcement about halo 3 recon..
I think it will depend on how Recon integrates with Halo 3. It may just be you download the disk and can play all the options from your standard Halo 3 disk. If it cannot integrate well they may not be able to change the forging system for the old maps, only the new ones, not necessarily bad. There is no doubt going to be new objects for the maps. A likely example would be a covenant style door for Assembly (I do not think they will reuse energy blockers).
Unless the other half of Mythic map pack is going to be named something else Heretic,Citadel,Longshore is comin with Recon. Itl probly prompt you to download to HD so u can have aces to them from both games(H3 n Recon) so hitman i disagree
You guys are putting words in their mouths. When Foundry came out, there were new "additions" to forge, were there not? Now you had WALLS! and other items to build fully functional maps. We know Assembly uses two-way glass, and the other maps probably have some sweet new stuff too. Thats probably all they mean. Halo3 Recon is going to be a disc, and on that disc, there will be a campaign. Also, when you put said disc in, you can download three new maps to your harddrive for Halo 3 multiplayer. The maps will be Citadel, Longshore and Heretic. It will be like a big flash drive to put the maps from the disc onto your system, instead of getting them from the marketplace, which im sure you'll be able to do as well. When you turn on Halo 3 Recon, there will not be a menu like this: CAMPAIGN MATCHMAKING FORGE etc. It is CLEARLY stated that this is an extention of CAMPAIGN. Nothing more. You guys hype and misread so much that nothing bungie does will ever live up to your expectations. No wonder you all hate them.