Ok, so we all know of the coming of Halo 3:Recon. Do you think that there should be Pelicans and Phantoms? Yes or no+why.
I think that it would be cool to have an aerial battle from a pelican to a phantom in the campaign. As for matchmaking, I think that you should be able to get into them, but they are not running.
I think it would be cool in forge if there were some really big maps and it was like 10v10. Then they could be like transports. Then there would be some great combat. Maybe have Pelicans, phantoms, AA wraiths, and all the original vehicles in one map.
I am not sure about that in matchmaking, but if there were some type of sandbox map where you could spawn anything and just mess around then maybe...
Hmmm...Interesting thought. Like putting new types of warthogs. Also, it would be cool if Bungie put in escape pods, for when people build spaceships.
In matchmaking i guess you could have them but you should only be able to drive them and not take it over and dominate the map, kind of like a elephant and also it cant drive to fast. Sounds good cool idea
The last thing I want to see are more crap maps in the Comp. section labeled "HUMAN COVENANT WAR", filled with every single vehicle imaginable.
or bungie could just have a humongus island that is really really big, and everyone whenever they sign onto matchmaking they get put on a team and every single person on matchmaking is on it, and its just an everlasting battle with every vehicle imaginable. the game never stops, its continuing battle to the death where you try to take over the island!! OHHH BEST GAME EVER!!!
I agree with Chief Wiggums. Having a map like that would be fun. I think that Pelicans on Forge maps would be....Fun/annoying, for example, say if there was one on the whole map (A banshee on Sandtrap ect.) and people would pawn in it. I'd like to have a transport hog at least, maybe a shade turret on some maps where covenant took over. (Snowbound ect.) However, I think we need some new vehicles in Halo, the ones we have are just boring now. Seeing as we get in them all the time and they're on a ,lot of maps that we play on. I think we need some new vehicles in the multiplayer right now, if your asking me that is.
in campaign yes definitly but only for AIs/NPCs for multiplayer, maybe. it would have to be just a transport ship though, and they would have to have big ass multiplayer maps. this should be moved to the Halo Forum, Mods pl0x do.
r u stupid? people have wanted to drive pelicans for years, and bungie has the opportunity to finally let us. i say full throttle forge matchmaking and campaign. but only big maps, like you cant have a pelican on like foundry or standoff or nothing, but like valhalla, sandtrap, avalanche you could. and other really big maps. also yah troop hogs ftw! more tanks and artillery too. i'd love there to be a map where there is like a rail gun at both bases, huge distances apart, and they can fire at eachother, but the only way to destroy the rail gun is to plant a bomb on it, to get past it's shields that protect it from everything else. that would be epic, and you could aim it and fire anywhere on the battlefield, artillery railguns would be awesome. and maybe select fire, like incendiaries, anti infantry, anti tank, grapeshot, canister, etc. epic map ever
dude, r u stupid? valhalla is way too tiny for a peli/phan even sandtrap and avalanch. you would need a map twice as big as sandtrap(eh, maybe 1.5X bigger) for it to work effectivly, and it would have to have very light turrets, if any, or none at all. i mean, ur right about it being cool, but youhave to be a bit logical here.
Why isnt this in Halo Discussion? Pelican battles in Sandtrap would be awesome though, as long as there not too over powered like the hornets. Maybe give the Pelicans more defense so there harder to kill, and not have the health that your character has, but instead have a health of its own like the Banshees in Halo 1. That way there is no way of Healing it, but it has a chance to lay waste to players.