Box Garden

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rageon, Nov 16, 2008.


What do you think of this map?

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  2. Good

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  3. Okay

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  4. Bad

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  5. Terrible

    1 vote(s)
  1. Rageon

    Rageon Ancient
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    Title: Box Garden


    Recommended Players: 2-8

    Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball,

    Box Garden is an extremely small, perfectly symmetrical map designed for Slayer and Free-for-All gametypes.

    In Box Garden I was trying to create a map for small parties that had a fast-paced, slightly chaotic feel to it. I like to think that I succeeded.

    This map is exactly what the name says: a box. The only distinguishing features in the terrain is the shotgun room in the center of the map, and the multiple, alternating rows of pillars. These pillars serve two purposes: 1) to break up lines of sight and thus spread the map out more, 2) to give the map a disorienting, claustrophobic feeling.

    Gameplay, while somewhat erratic, is quite enjoyable and well balanced. This is partially due to the fact that is extremely easy for someone to sneak up on you.

    I did make the map capable of supporting 16 people on all gametypes. However, I wouldn't recommend anything but Slayer and Free-for-All games with up to 8 people.

    Weapons on map:
    1 Shotgun
    2 Maulers
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Battle Rifles
    2 Spikers
    4 Assault Rifles

    Equipment on map:
    2 Deplorable Covers

    Although I can't prove it because I forgot to save the film, I have play tested this map with parties ranging from 2 to 8 people in free-for-all. As far as we could tell, everything was pretty well balanced. Still, 8 people started to feel a bit crowded, so I don't recommend more than that.

    All comments and criticism are appreciated. Please tell me what you think of my map. This is my first map, and I'm still trying to improve it, so please tell me if you have any concerns about the map.

    *note* on all the pictures titled Overview I removed the roof in Forge to get the picture.

    Overview of Attacker's side

    Overview of Defender's side

    Overview of center

    Overview of map (outside map)

    Inside map view 1

    Inside map view 2

    Inside map view 3

    Shotgun room

    Creator (me)

    Download Box Garden

  2. Lunatic Lawyer

    Lunatic Lawyer Ancient
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    A few things:

    • First off, if the barriers get shot, they'll disappear. Sort of gets rid of the close combat gameplay.
    • Second, shotgun and maulers on a small map like this are overpowered. Enough said.
    • Third, I'd recommend you interlock the bottom of the shotgun box with the floor so there isn't a bump.
    • Lastly, don't take pictures in forge. Get rid of the roof, go into a custom game, then get the pics. Taking pictures in forge can make the map look ugly.

    I'd recommend fixing those things. For now, 3/5.
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    i thought about an idea like this before but i thought about using wire spool nice map i like i played it and its fun 4.5 (try to mak it bigger some how)

    Edit: use instant respawn for some real fun!
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    and you could add to your response because its very close to spam :p

    I dont know about them but I think that this map looks very nice, its very original and even if the barriers fall over well it makes the map more realistic.
    Nice job who cares what they say ^
  5. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I definitaly agree with eguitarguy. It looks original and possibly very fun. I will dl and try it out. However, I still agree with the first few comentors about the shotgun and mauler, but I really don't see what other weapons you could use (AR would be retarted, sniprs might work, IDK) Anyway good job. 4.5/5
  6. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    I like this map. Its unique. I believe it took effort to make, except just a little more about thinking of the map. Its unique completely. I have never seen it done before. I simply enjoy it. I will download this map and give it a try with a few friends after I download the 8 other things on the transfer. Great Job Sir.
  7. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I can see where your going with this and its a pretty good idea,but it seems kind of small.The map also looks pretty easy to escape but I must check it out for myself.

    You have nice interlocking too!.The one thing you should do is interlock the open box into the ground to make gameplay smoother.

    Overall this map might be fun to play for 1v1
  8. Rageon

    Rageon Ancient
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    Thank you everyone for the feedback. I was already thinking about making a v2 at some point, so when I do I'll be sure to keep everything you guys said in mind.
  9. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    All I can say without actually playing it is that the shotgun looks like bad news here. It looks like it could play well with about 3-4 people, getting a little crowded. Putting the barriers on instant respawn might also be a good idea, so your main map feature doesn't disappear. Your effort was apparent with the interlocking, though. I give you a 3.5/5 and + rep
  10. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    very cool, but it would be nice to expand on the idea. it would be really cool if you could do like 4 rooms, one with barriers one with wire spools, one with dumpsters, and one with crates all used as pillars, connect them all and it could be a really cool map.
  11. Soul

    Soul Ancient
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    I like the idea behind the map-simple yet would make for some great games. However, I feel some things could have been improved upon...
    -What was the point of putting the map on boxes? I could understand if you made dips/hills in the terrain or interlocked the middle box into the floor, but it seems to be you could have used the floor of foundry just as well.
    -While I like the barriers as pillars, I feel that they should either
    A.Instant respawn-doesn't change map, keeps the same feel throughout the match, or
    B.Raised the roof enough so the barriers could fall over, making for an interesting game experience.
    -The shotgun, 2 maulers and 2 plasma pistols seems a bit overboard for a map of this size-they are all good close-range weapons. I would suggest taking them all out, and just one of them in the middle box. Plasma rifles and SMGs could also be nice additions or substitutes.
    -While I understand you went for a claustrophobic feel, I feel its too small. Maybe either make the overall map bigger or take out a few pillars, but keep them spaced out evenly, so close-range weapons don't dominate so much.
  12. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    this remindes me of gridlocked. however Looks like there is accesive spawn killing. THe interlockz is okay. Overall ok map 3/5 for the originality
  13. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Reading replies, it looks like a love or hate it type of map. IMO i like it =D
    IT gives it that close combat feel.
    Oh and like someone else said, dont take pictures in forge =P
    Other than that, try making a V 1.2 and make it bigger! Very simple but fun looking.

    overall 4/5 =]
  14. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i havnt playd but im thinkn u should remove shotty and Maulers with 1mauler or a sword w/ long respawn were shotty is. this to Prevent shotgun whoring. other than that this map looks OK and simplistic not bad.
  15. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    i like the idea of this but it seems there would be too many spawn kills i would suggest making the area larger or maybe even adding a second and maybe a thrid level to make it bigger because the map is really small. im not saying the map isnt fun just saying it would get boring afterr a wwhile because of the spawn kills
  16. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Personally I don't think spawn killing would be a problem. It looks like you have alot of spawn points so spawning close to people shouldn't be a problem. And all the pillars will make it very difficult to kill someone from across the map as soon as they spawn.

    Good job on this, it's pretty clean and a unique idea.

    I think it'd play a little better if the shotgun was taken out as it is slightly overpowering. The mauler's are fine though.

    SMGs and Plasma Rifles would also be a good addition.
    I do like the close combat style of it. this would be very hectic with motion trackers turned off lol.

    I don't mind the fact that you took some of the pics in forge.
    the ones you took in forge are to show the general structure of the map when the roof is taken off and you accomplished that, I don't see why people need to complain about it.

    You took other pics in normal gameplay and they are fine.

    anyways. Good job on this, keep up the forging.
    Don't do a V2, just make a whole new map I say. This is a good starting point but I believe you can do much much more. You have some talent, nice clean forging and such. So try expanding your horizons and do something big :]

    Check out the Forging 101 section if you haven't already to get some good tips to improve your forging skills even further.

    peace man, keep doing what you're doing.
  17. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Alrighty... I see that you put some effort in with the decently interlocked floor and walls, and how you got the barriers all spaced out pretty evenly. But, essentially, this isn't a map. It's a part of a map. This is like something that would be freakin cool if you made it one room in a larger map.

    All in all, that can basically sum up 95% of the problems I have with this map. It doesn't feel like it should be a whole standalone map. I think this concept is fairly good, and well implemented (minus the shotgun, maulers, and the way a lot of spawn points are lined up perfectly across the map, between pillars). I think if you expanded upon this, and made a whole Foundry map around it, this could be a reall standout. However, aside from that problem I have, a lot of minor, fixable problems are present as well, that could be solved with a V2:

    -All pillars are movable objects. This has been said: once they are smacked, they'll disappear.
    -The Shotgun... and Maulers. These weapons would be INCREDIBLY OP on a map like this.
    -I don't care what arguments you guys can make, this map WILL be a spawn-kill festival. A lot of the spawn points line up in the aisles between pillars (whole groups of them), and they're grouped in 2 major areas. 2 people could camp the entire map's spawns. With a Shotgun!
    -Smallness. I know this map is supposed to feel confined and whatnot, but if you imagined a giant selection box around this map, and dragged the corner out until it was at about 300% size, it would improve greatly.
    -All you people who say this is the most original thing in the universe: Click that little "Search" button on the top. Type in "Gridlocked". Voila.

    Anyway, it's a good concept. However, it should not be a map unto itself, I don't believe. I do think a fairly cool infection minigame could be made in here, or something. But as it is, this map leaves a lot to be desired. 2.5/5.

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