none are rendered or edited all straight out of halo please bungie net me and agree with tags, hope i get it right this time
I can believe the first one is straight out of Halo because I know how to do that effect. Same with the third... The second though looks rendered but I don't know... whatever you say... I'm just skeptical
i can 100% promise that they arent rendered but what i did was create a white room in forge and then took pictures within ive got loads with just white backrounds, bungie net me if you actually want to see them, one of them gives away how i did it
The first one is cool because it's almost like a sketch right out of the game (I hope you know what I mean). The second one does look a bit rendered but however i'll believe you.
The first one looks like a coll sketch and the second one is cool. I love the white background effect pictures. The third one is a little lame, though.
YOu did a really good job rendering the second picture it turned out very well. The third picture is nothing special but pretty cool and the first pic i cant believe came from halo3
im like 90% sure that the second one is a pic of him standing in front of an energy blocker on Avalance. the first one is the best the second one is good and the third is nothin special
Everyone grow up there not rendered why would i lie about something stupid like that? invite me into a forge and ill show you how to do em, i dont even own photoshop the only editing software i got is MS paint and plus if i was gunna make a render id take the stupid emblem of the elites shoulder? go on my bungie net gamertag Tellthekingwhat, and look at my other shots theres loads and theyre obviously not rendered!