Maybe if you have seen some of the maps posted for farcry two you can agree that most dont look nice. Pictures are such an imporntant part of posting your map that they often decide who downloads your maps. I can fix pictures up for you by making them look more colorful and i fix any irregularities. Here is how i can do this for you. 1) Private message me your pictures. 2) If you want one with text and effects on it tell me and breifly explain what you want it to look like. 3) I fix your pictures. 4) I send the pictures back to you. Some examples of my magic. Before After What do i do -Remove TV parts. -more saturation for a more jungle feel -Make it actually look like a video game -more light And now you have a more video gamish feel from just a picture of your TV screen and a little bit of patience. It's rather timly however.
Very nice, the blur is still there, but nonetheless it looks more like a screen capture. What exactly do you mean when you say "Remove TV parts"?
He means he crops the image so you can't see the tv you took the picture on if its in the shot. Thats a good job by the way, a bit over saturated though, just a bit
I personally prefer the before picture. Cropping and over saturation isn't a hard thing to do, btw. Any competent Photoshopper can do what you call magic in about 1 minute.