LOTS OF BANG! FOR YOUR BUCK Gametypes:Capture the flag (Haulass), Assault (Kiss it goodbye), slayer, territories. What can I say it's a good map.. Death vally-Map Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Haulass- game varient Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Kiss it goodbye-game varient Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
1)That description was excellent 2)Your pictures are puny and hard to see 3) The only things I can see about your map is a lot of guns and a ramp that leads to fusion coils. Sorry I don't think it's a great map either :S.
This is a competitive map? This is a crap map, no offense. From what I can see, the two bases are basic Armories, and they are uneven armories at that! I mean, play matchmaking - Do they have their guns in one spot? Nope. The only real forged Structure I can see on this map is a bridge(?) that goes over a mound of fusion coils. Sorry, but I suggest you work harder on your maps, I'm guessing this took less than 1 hour to build. 1/5
um. you just have what looks to be a mass of power weapons in each base. That's generally frowned upon except in infection, and even then, in moderation. there are simply too many weapons in the bases. also, there doesnt seem to be any significant changes to the aesthetics of the map (only one bridge in middle??). Basically u must make ur map different than the map u built it on, otherwise, one would feel they are playing the same map. and thats whats going on here. its regular standoff, with some bridges and a -blam!- load of weapons in the bases.
Once i saw the picture of the base with all those weapons,i just lost all hope.No offense it looks like you just through around some bridges and didn't even interlock anything.2/5
well... it isn't exactly the best idea to give people armories. then again. the gametype may possibly work well with the map and add to the fun factor. I will test it with my friends. god FH... you guys are not very nice in this forum.