I really don't care whether or not this is in the appropriate forum, just answer me: Is anyone having trouble with xbox live right now?
Yes, as a matter of fact. I've been looking round on loads of sites to find a solution by I didn't find anything. Have you tested the connection? I tested my connection and it fails at the Xbox Live part. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has got a problem.
yeah, everyone i have talked to has been having troubles, but look here. they talk about it at majornelson.com
Thanks MovingTarget. It was happening yesterday but now I can't join other peoples games and go into matchmaking. I hope they fix it soon because us customers are loosing millions of dollars on xbox live! So I'll get on them if they don't fix this until the 'new' xbox experience comes out.
I have a good connection and I have been losing connection to Xbox Live during my COD games. It is really ticking me off.
Yesterday I was forging and it said "you were disconnected from xbl, because this gamertag was signed in on another console." I don't now how someone would have done that though so I think it could be a glitch or something because I then signed into by brothers account and it said that I was offline so idk. My downloads have been interrupted a couple times too. I go to check up on the demo downloads and the console has been disconnected from xbl. Downloads have been pretty slow too.
WHEW!> it happed last nights TGIF everyone was getting the can it was quite humorus actaully, it was like a sickness that took them away, it was scary, ill never wear a life jacket again...ehm...anyway yea, havin a bit of problems...i think its their new firewall setup thing...and their new dashboard which btw... i am totally against
Yeah, biggest B.S. of my life with this ****. Horde level 49, just me and my friend on hardcore. On Ruins BTW, he rocks the torque and me and my sniper own. ****ing signed us offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
The same thing happened to me, too. It took like an hour to download the Left 4 Dead demo because the download kept stopping and I would be away from my Xbox.