Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by scardypoopoo, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You are crazy, Veteran is much much harder than Halo's Legendary. In Halo once you kill a wave of enemies, more don't come pouring out of a building you just cleared. The checkpoints apparently don't ever pop up when they're supposed to for me because I never get them..... are we playing the same game?
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Agreed. The two are nothing alike. Infinity Ward is lazy and just has infinitely respawning enemies until you pass a certain checkpoint.
  3. Ajax

    Ajax Ancient
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    I never bothered play veteran. I played on easy just to get through it and then work my way up. Better on live though.
  4. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I started my trek through level 55 last night. I'm such an a-hole I about died laughing because in one match I only went for the misery loves company challenges, where you hold a live grenade and run around until you blow up with people. I kept sneaking up on people camping in the buildings on Bloc, pullin my grenade and just standing behind them, it was hilarious.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    dude... you played on EASY?!? you cant even handle normal mode??? jeezz... kids these days...
  6. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    So anyway, I just got the game this weekend. Oh my god, it's some of the most fun I've ever had with a game. I haven't even done single-player yet, live has been good enough so far. The past couple of days I've had a friend over and we just switch off. One of us plays Team Deathmatch, the other plays Peggle. Good times.
  7. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I'm gonna try to finish up my level 55 tonight. Hope I get time to check in on the good ol xbox ...
  8. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    I have like 3 more levels to do on veteran, the before the last level.
  9. xSpartansWrathx

    xSpartansWrathx Ancient
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    This game is amazing, but I got really bored of it after going through the ranking system once, than I felt like I already did everything in the game. Besides, no game can take me away from Halo
  10. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I hit my First Prestige on Friday night, and I'm already back up to level 25 after just a few hours of online play. 3rd prestige symbol here I come lol
  11. Jayn0

    Jayn0 Ancient
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    Ya, I guess I need to go ahead and break down and buy it.
  12. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You won't regret it. I was skeptical about it at first but after getting it I have to say it was probably some of the best money I've spent on a game. The MP really never makes me mad like Halo's and the Campaign is pretty good, the only downside is the ridiculousness of Veteran difficulty, but otherwise it's very fun.
  13. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I have been playing this game for about a month now and it's most definitely worth the 50 dollars. However, I personally don't agree with anyone who claims that this game is better than halo 3. The main problem is the game is based more on luck than halo. Therefore, it's not as much of a testimate to the player's true skill level. A perfect example of this is the sniper rifle, in Halo 3 you point shoot and the bullet hits the target nearly 100% of the time. In COD4 when you are aiming a sniper directly at someone and you pull the trigger, it can randomly miss a good percentage of the time. The also works the other way, if a worse player fires their sniper rifle there is the off chance that it will hit the target even if they didn't aim directly at them. Not only this but COD4 has little to no replay value when it comes to customs games, sure they have the PC map editor but that is a much bigger hassle than anyone wants to deal with.
  14. Ty

    Ty Guest

    The sniper scopes are supposed to be getting fixed. And I never said this game was better than Halo 3. I just believe that the online matchmaking is more enjoyable.

    Does anyone know when the update to fix scop acuuracy is gonna release?
  15. The3vilCow

    The3vilCow Ancient
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    Oh, so the sniper scope isn't accurate??? No wonder why I'm so bad at sniping even when the crosshairs or right on the guy...or maybe I'm just bad, cuz there are those guys that can get you every single time, idk.
    What exactly is wrong with it?
  16. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I never said you said it was better than halo 3, I said I disagree with anyone who thinks it's better.
  17. Ty

    Ty Guest

    There has been talks of the scopes not being as accurate as they should. Personally the only sniper I have had a problem with is the Barret. But hopefully that update will tweak them to be better. Some matches I just like to sit and snipe, not too often, but sometimes. And it'd be nice if my Sniper rifle worked ....
  18. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I don't seem to have a problem with the sniper at all. I also hit. :squirrel_wink:
  19. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I'm most likely going to be selling this game for newer ventures. As soon as I hit 55 on this prestige it's going up on half. Nothing wrong with the game, it just takes up too much of my time.
  20. The3vilCow

    The3vilCow Ancient
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    A new update came out a few days ago for CoD4, does anyone know what was on it?
    I mean about the sniper if there is a problem with it.
    The changed killcam is cool and so is being able to see people in first person view.

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