ok right now im saying this. i myself think its bad. i was just board and ecided to build a V3. well heres the link Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details here are the pics out side of house. yea i know big mess The garage. Theres an entrance inside the house there to Couch with TV. (first floor)still more stuff on first floor One of the rooms on 2nd floor. there is another room just like it there to. second floor contains the guns
Seriously dude, come on, i know you just said you were board, but this is unexceptable as a map. Put some more effort into it pwease. Look at the house, its not even a house, more like a bunch of piled boxes. When i go to astehtics i want to see good quality stuff that looks real not this stuff. 1/5
the inside looks okay but not so much on the outside. the tv looks alright. i havent seen a couch made of barriers before, so thats pretty cool. i think that u have good ideas but u have a hard time carrying them out. and btw, dont put bad things about the map in the description. it puts the reader in a negative mind set before he reads the rest of the thread. i can see u tried to make a good map.
Wow, I would have to agree with you this map is bad. It doesnt look like its put together very well. Try again maybe get some help from the Forging 101 page
Seriously. Please don't post a map if effort hasn't been put into it. And this doesn't look like a v3. This isn't even considered a map IMO. Sorry but 0.5/5 p.s. To SoLo92 the couch made of barriers is really overused in maps like this.
Seriously now guys, he posted a map of questionable quality. There is NO need to rip his head of with comments like Seriously now, don't go criticizing if you don't tell him where to improve. Ontothemap The map looks pretty basic, you should work on increasing the aesthetics by making sure you keep all of your objects straight, interlocking is fine too. How about next time you make a map you don't make a house, everyone's done it. Instead try to make something original and exciting.
simply average and anyone can do this. there was no interlocking no geomerging. the post it self was bad. i did not explain or state weapons at all. like u said alredy, i making a v3.??? how bout a v2 first then go on to 3