Map Title: Mazezorz: Epic I did not make this map DARKEST WARRIOR made it and all credits go to him ATTENTION: A minimum of 2 players must be kept in the party in order to reach the finish!!! This is probably the hardest maze ever Download Map Download Gametype Description: [img width=800 height=450][/img] OVERVIEW OF MAP Only have the name of the map as the topic title nothing else. - Trickmyster
you might wanna embed some images as it is not up to FH standards, visit HERE apart from that you'll get my DL and feedback once i've played it. maybe sort the post our as best you can, I'll be back soon with my reply.
lol I know your kind of new JoshRicks, but what you just did was necropost and that could get you an infraction. Notice when this was posted [ 2-09-2008], this was awhile ago and since you brought this old thread back up it's considered necroposting. Also the guy hasn't been active in awhile, so don't expect a reply back.