Call Of Duty Zombie Mode

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XDAO SoX, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    So for anyone who has this game, what do you think of the new zombie mode? Whats the highest level you have gotten to?

    I personally love this. I think it's 10x better than infection in Halo 3.
    My highest level was 18. So hard
  2. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    It is awesome. I was playing with a friend and the highest we got was 8. It is not easy to get a head shot either because of the way they walk.
  3. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    It's called '**** Zombies'. God. But anyway I don't have the game (unfortunately) but I hear it's really fun. I hope to get it for Christmas though.
  4. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    It is different from COD4. I don't really know if it is better yet.
  5. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I like it more than CoD 4. More varied maps and weapons/perks. Campaign isn't as good but it's still pretty good. But back to the zombies, you can get a ray gun which is awesome
  6. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Perks are basically the same. Where do you find a ray gun?
  7. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    When you open the "Help room" on the first floor, you make a left and there is a random gun box. You just get lucky and get it.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    This thing is so damn hard! I've only gotten to 13 or 14 and we just get overrun. I think it's just because my teammates can't learn to board things up.

    What strategies do you guys use? We originally never went up stairs because there were so many windows. But, now we always open up everything because it spreads the zombies out and we can run around and don't get cornered. I usually have a Thompson and Trench Gun with me. Never been lucky enough to get Ray Gun.
  9. Rayne

    Rayne Ancient
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    Well being the total Cod:WaW nerd I am I'm gonna post my two cent's. I have made a small, "Squad" Of people. Our highest so far has been level 21. We practice and feel confident we'll make it to level 28 (the world highscore). First thing's first. The "Help Room" Is made to trick you. If you look closely it says HELL. The guy that was there before (story goes there were survivor's there before you) He spelled HEL and then made half of the other L before being dragged away by Zombies. If you look closely you can see blood. Probably the guy's blood. Ok Know onto Issue to. If you open the HELL/Help Door then it becomes the HELP room. If you open the Door and remove the Sofa leading to the second story then it becomes the HELL room as they come from the door, the stair's, the wall and two window's. Third thing, The sign's tell you "Salvation Lies Above!" And also the signs say "You must Rise from Darkness!" What does this mean? Ok, Basically it mean's that all the good gun's are up there. However it wouldn’t be right if they gave you awesome gun's and a highly defendable location. So, Upstairs’ is very easy for them to attack you, but you get good gun's. The Hell/Help room is highly defendable (when only the door is removed or only the sofa.) But has crap for gun's. Besides the Random Weapon Box. (But who's willing to spend 1,000of point before they get anything good?) So me and my friends have made two strategy’s. Use them if you will and tell me how they work for you, and tell me your's.
    STRADEGY 1: (This one i made myself) I like to call it Miner. Why? Because The first possible second someone get's a 1,000 point's we open the Sofa upstairs‘. Load up on gun's and fight. Then the second another person get's another 1,000 we move the Sofa to the hell room. This is where we take our position's. I go into the Hell room and hold it. My friend's Cactu's and Walker over the entire Top floor alone and my friend SealKiller cover's the place where you spawn alone. This may sound hard but it work's if done properly. On day 11 Everyone scream's bloody murderer and high tail’s it to the Help/Hell room. Me and SealKiller cover the window's/ Wall. Walker and Cactu's cover the stair's and we usually get to roughly Day 15. A more Advanced way to do it is have "Job's" Which go in this order.
    "Miner/Commander" This is my Job. I use my pistol in the beginning and then it's everyone else's job to cover. My job is to knife and repair window's until I have a 1,000 point's. Then I do the same until I remove the second sofa. Then I set in the Hell/Help room alone with nothing but a empty pistol until i have enough point's for a gun. Then I can help fight. While I wait gun less and pointless I tell people where they need to go and who need's help. whether they want it or not.
    First Line of Defense: This has to be the bravest or most Insane person on the team. He set's on the ground floor alone fighting and holding Zombies until Day 11. No help unless he goes down or need's ammo... Pure Suicide taking his Job.
    Main Defender: This guy hold's the Top floor to the dying breath. He doesn’t leave there until he has run out of every single bullet. Even when someone is down he keep’s fighting. Only way you'll make him move is either ammo or when it's Day 11.
    Support Team: This guy Cover's upstairs’ with the Main Defender but goes to help The First Line of Defense the second he's down. If he goes’ down then it cripple's the survivor's and nearly 80% of the time the human's die. The only option of survival you say? The Main Defender will have to take cover with the Miner/Commander. Then when they both respawn He will have to fight of all of the Zombies until there properly armed and in position. Then everything goes back to normal, A Main Line of Defense this good is Mythic though.
    STRADEGY 2: Two Room
    Ok basically here you survive in the main room until Day 5, You then open up the door leading to Hell/Help room. Then two people stay in the Hell room (I like to call them Hells Angel’s lol), they hold off against the Zombies. Two people stay in the Main room and hold. On day 12 (Ya not day 11) They retreat into the Hell/Help room and hold out. Remember how you held until Day 5 and them Day 12 without buying anything but a few cheap simple gun’s? This is where it get’s good. Three of you cover the hell room while one guy spam’s the Random gun Box until he get’s something good. Then he switches’ place’s with someone else. Eventually three or four of you will have good gun’s. Then you have one guy hold one window, one guy hold another window, one guy holds the door (This is the most important part, The guy with the best gun or the best fighter does this) and one guy hold’s the wall. However when there not attacking the Wall (which once every thirty second’s they wont) you can help the guy holding the door.
    No matter what happens if you see a Max ammo go for it. Same goes for Explosive. If by chance you get a Insta kill then PLEASE, PLEASE use the knife! It’s there for a reason! Unfortunately there is a third strategy but it is still being tested. Hope this help’s!
  10. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Oh. Ok thank you.
  11. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow.big post. but it makes alot of sense. Send me a friend requst. zTo SoXFaN25
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I didn't even know Call of Duty had a zombie mode!

    *runs to play CoD*
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    You have to beat campaign first. Just do recruit, it's easy. Either that or you can just mooch off of friends like me and give them leader.

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