It's pretty fun, I'm glad I have it reserved at Gamestop. It's very 'jumpy'; I'll often be watching one direction, looking at a few stray zombies walking around and then I get swarmed from behind. I can't wait until the full game is released.
I'm not a big survivalist zombie game guy, but this is so hyped I might actually check it out... after I play cod waw some more lol
I just downloaded the demo a couple of hours ago. It's quite fun, and I hate horror, I scare extremely easily, but I may get this if I find people to play with.
I really wanna play the demo! But it takes ages and i just can't be bothered not playing online to wait for it to download .. Im getting the game for christmas anyway =] Is the demo online co op?
The Demo was really good, I <3 Valve. Although those Tanks on Expert are one hell of a hard time to get rid of mg: Although, (I know it WAS just the demo) it seemed to go by fast..I wonder if the game/campaign would last long?... Whatever, still a great game!
I downloaded the Deo yesterday and it's on my Christmas list too. The demo does not last long enough, all the zombies are SOOOOOOOOOO EZ to kill. I don't mind being anyone but the online Co-Op mode is Awesome!
"curring the bullet at a time" (correct me if I'm wrong) The demo is brilliant, to be honest the graphics aren't amazing but it couldn't of come at a better time, with the release of saints row 2 you might find everyone say"game play beats graphics, anytime" that wasn't the case when gta came out. The demo was quick and i was disappointed that you don't get to run around the hospital. The game is really smart, it rewards you for searching around even with the risks at hand. Ammo never seemed to be a problem thankfully but we will have to wait and play a full campaign. The game never got boring and i found myself playing it for hours. I have pre-ordered the game all ready but the demo will have to do for now. Like wakko said it cane get a bit jumpy, especially when you turn your torches of because of a witch. It needs some tweaks but was awesome so far, i can't wait
I have the demo early, it's nothing great of a demo. It took me 10 min to beat it. =/ And for a 1.8G download you would expect more, no?
10 minutes my ass. You must not have played 4 player co-op on expert. I play this demo everyday and I don't think I have beaten it in 10 mintues on the latter settings.