ok put S and K inside of an avatar signal that way we know that I was in there at some point testing it lol
Soon we're going to have ****ing chineese alphabet on this map. Lol, you don't have to put me in there I didn't even know about this, nor do I really care about this competition. Its gun be k.
thnx for the serious but back to funny I like funny thnx for the seriosness but let's get. back to the cu by I like the funnyg
thats pretty good =p looks like it took a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time to create. i love the ending how it says eat =] very great, and amusing! And SOAD =] video: 4/5 rubegoldberg machine: 5/5
That was some epic Rube Goldberg-ness, guys. Must have taken a long time to make. You win, everyone else fails.
It was pretty cool, but it mostly composed of a soccer ball jumping around on Man Cannons, and it didn't really do anything in the end. Well done, just not the most creative.
If you're planning on entering that in that one rube goldberg contest then you were supposed to film it in custom games, not in forge... bummer, eh?
That's pretty good. It looks like it took you a while to make the map and get everything right but I agree with sweeny in that there really is no point to the thing. It just blows up the fusion coils and says fail. It works well though so good luck the contest.
Dude, the rules clearly say you can't record in forge. Lol, sorry just had to point that out. Also, I think it was a little uncreative and there could have been a little more use of the objects and maybe other movements and not just domininoes and a soccer ball.
Rofl Sharp; this is pretty good. I made a couple of these in my spare time, I think I would have had a chance based on the pure originality of mine. When I get a new Halo disc I'm gonna re-build it better, you guys will all be wtfing at it.
lol guys it was a preveiw not the actual thing im gunna touch it up and make the explosions a **** load bigger....lol. i will record in customs on the real thing
It should be good if you actually add something to make it have a point. I was going to make one, but then I started playing COD and I din't feel like it. Off Topic: W00t! This post finally got me my member rank! wahoo!