Download Industrial Industrial is a medium-sized FFA map that comprises three sectors, unique formatting, and fast-paced gameplay. It is not budget glitched, and sometime far down the road, I may design a version around submission for Matchmaking, but that's a long time from now. It utilizes movable objects for unique scenery setup, various power weapons for fun, explosive gameplay, and many routes from area to area for smooth, spreaded action. This Free-For-All gem houses one teleporter node, moderate geomerging, and many rare features such as fence catwalks, dumpsters used as pillars, a unique "courtyard" area, and much, much more. This map was a test of my skill in designing layouts, not aesthetics or even an entirely new concept. You won't see an insane angled geomerge never done before, and you won't see some minigame gimmick. Just solid gameplay on a unique map. Industrial is set up for all Free-For-All gametypes, with a recommended two to eight players. Recommended gametypes include oddball, ninjanaut, slayer BRs, and even swords.
I can see very nice potential gameplay coming from this map. I like the interlocking although you didnt interlock in every part of the map you could have in, but still its not needed everywhere. Very good job BTW nice post too, you made the map look 10x better
Haha thanks, Photoshop really bails me out. Interlocking and aesthetics weren't my main focus here - I interlocked where it was necessary, and if it wasn't necessary, I didn't feel I needed to waste the time. Thanks for the quick comment.
Wow, I remember we used to play this map a lot. I have to say CTF on here was excellent, and the gameplay worked really well. I was also amazed at how well it was all interlocked (Bearing in mind I'd more or less only just met you about a week before when we played this)
this map looks insane and is a definate download. i was amazed at all the interlocking and geaomerging. this looks like u put a lot of time and effort into it. nice job. 5/5
nic job. from what i can see its pretty well layed out. a weapon list would be useful. pretty nice as far as FFA. but i dont see how well a ghost would play (in corner of first pic). cuz when u have close quarters and multiple levels with small catwalks it pretty much pointless. but overall its a great map. 9.5/10
That structure with the power drain looks exactly like the Amplified centrepiece... The map looks pretty cool although it's hard to see how big it is from those pics. I'm guessing that it's only on the one side of Foundry cuz you said it was for FFA. I'm not sure you need the teleporter node on top of the truck, truck's are pretty much immovable barring the use of a grav lift. I'd suggest taking it out, it just looks funny
I can see where it sorta does look like the Amp centerpiece. The teleporter node holds it still because a flag spawn for Doubles is there. It's actually a bit more than half of Foundry.
This is a very clean looking map.The design and structures are original.I like how you worked hard on the side of foundry with that structure in the 1 picture.The geomerging is clean and neat which i'm very happy about.This map looks very nice for 2v2 and looks better than some of the tourney maps.You took your time on the map and it payed off for sure.From what i see,5/5
I agree with some guys above me, that power drain structure does looks like the Amp centerpiece. The map looks very good for FFA games and you have a nice post too with some editing done with the pics. The only thing is, the name "Industrial" is kinda common. What I do is that I search the synonyms of some words that may fit for my map. Good job btw.
Bro, this looks beautiful. I've recently gone from TEAM MODE to FFA MODE and I've lately been looking for a lot of good FFA maps to add to my archives. You've obviously put in loads of work and thought into this, and i imagine your skills going somewhere. Here's a map run-down: The Good: The power drain structure with the A and B signs, I really like it. It's very clean and can really make a map look nice. The Bad: Nothing I can see with naked eye and no gameplay, really. The only thing I can really see that's more bad than good is the huge use of dumpsters, but that's not really a BAD thing. The Ugly: Pretty much only some of the way a few objects interlock. The interlocked stairs, they aren't that consistent in the interlocking by nature. And the fence walls are in the same, they don't really line up. I really think you're going somewhere with your forge skills. this is and excellent map and deserves a lot. Good job 4.75/5, man
Nice map dude, ur really making a name for urself, liked ur other map and this one looks just as good, and about the needless interlocking bloody oath mate, but yea people tend to like it when you do *shrugs* like my frined said why where a jacket if its not cold?
I like the structure ideas you made here. Plus the little interlocked ledges with the A and B signs, thats pretty original since not many people even use that area, and never have I seen it used like that. With this size of map and this layout, I think it was a great idea to make this FFA. Just from these pics, it looks like gameplay could be good. Also, interlocking isnt everything... As long as gameplay works out, you still have a very good map on your hands. 4/5
I see places where the interlocking is sloppy, mainly the breakage job (Which it is unbreakable btw), but the interlocking isn't that bad is it? Everyone's saying things like "don't worry about the interlocking, it isn't everything."
I don't really notice interlocking while I'm playing that much, so it wouldn't matter to me. I just think people (Not directing at anyone at all) think a map can only be good when it's fully interlocked and/or geomerged. But as Furry has said in your Fissure 8.3 thread, a map should be judged on gameplay over aesthetics.
Agreed - interlocking & geomerging =/= good gameplay, or a good map. They do help, undoubtedly, but sometimes maps are taken as art projects rather than a playing field. I am thinking quite seriously about fixing up this map, redoing the weapon set, and possibly submitting it for doubles down the road, but that's far from now.