Forge Rube Goldberg Submission Announcement Thread This thread is for submissions, not comments or questions. All posts that are not submissions will be deleted. All comments and questions in the discussion thread. You may: Use interlocking, geo-merging, or unlimited budget glitch. Only shoot one shot, or throw one grenade. Have a purpose to the mechanism. Film in a custom game, not forge. You may NOT: Submit as jokes. Such users will be infracted for spam. Use modded content Submit more than once. Steal another person's map. Prizes The prizes for winning this contest are: A custom title of your choosing A count towards the two maps needed for Premium rank SubmissionTerms of Service: I will not refute the staff's decision on a winner. I fully understand that I will be infracted for rule breaking and subsequently disqualification.Template for submission. Replace (EXAMPLE) with specified info: If you have any questions, contact Lone Deity
DID NOT FOLLOW RULES. DENIED. Map: I really didn't name it. I dont have a camera so I just put it on my fileshare, but can you look at it through the video. (p.s. please download to see it) It is on narrows, and I hope this counts as one.
Name: Rube Video: 1 2 Map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details I agree with the ToS: Yes Made by me and kingjudge
Name: Suicide Machine Video: 1. First Person View 2. Free cam view of plasma grenade Map: Suicide Machine I agree with the ToS: Yes Made by me x3volutionz (Under the file share it says xXI OwNeD, which was my previous GT, I can prove this by linking you to my recent screenshots or you can send x3volutionz a message ) I'm working on uploading the videos to GameVee, i'm doing the Free cam view of the plasma nade first and then the First person view.
Name:Goldberg Video: Video 1 Video First Person Video Omnipotent Map: Goldberg I agree with the ToS: Yes
Name:Zak's Contraption Video: Map: Contraption I agree with the ToS: Yes
Rube Goldberg competition is now over. Good luck to all that entered, winners will be announced soon. No maps from this point can be submitted. No exceptions. Once again, good luck.
Opened: There is still 3 hours and 15 minutes before official closing. At that time, all submissions are automatically disregarded.
Thank god, I was like what the **** i thought it went till 5 Name: win13 Video: Rube Goldberg Map: Win13 I agree with TOS: yes I have a youtube video coming so if this gets closed before i get it can i pm it to you guys If not thats fine, but it goes in depth on the rube goldberg. my partner in this is adelyss, you said we could do two people max right?
Here is Youtube video of Me and Goats submission (The only reason I'm posting the youtube link is because Goatnuts had to leave and would not be able to post the youtube link before it closes.) So please don't disqualify us. All of the other criteria is met it just that he would not be able to edit his submission post.
The competition is now closed. Thanks for all your entries - look out for the results on the front page soon!