Unlimited Budget Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dragoncoals, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    my post was talking to Proto, bc he said he doesn't use glitches, so I wondered if that included them all
  2. Scribner

    Scribner Ancient
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    If anyone is still confused, I think I can help.

    You have to understand how to purchase an item reservation so you can later manipulate it. First of all, reserving an item means you pay for the item up front without actually placing it. Reservering an item is easy. Use the item's runtime maximium. If you have 1 nade on the map, and you set the runtime maximum to 2, you just reserved 1 grenade. You're charged for it at this time, and can now place 1 grenade free of charge.

    Now for the glitch: When you save quit you are refunded for all item reservations. Simple as that. I'm down to my last $100 on my map and plan to use that stash several times over simply by spending $100 reserving items, then save and reloading, and seeing my budget pop back up to $100 so I can reserve other items. I'm new to this, so I can't give you any extra details but now you should understand how to purchase item reserves and later get refunded.
  3. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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  4. Sleepy Samm

    Sleepy Samm Ancient
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    I am in the process of making a UNSC warehouse on Foundry. It was a brainstorm moment when I thought, "Hey, if the UNSC had a surplus supply warehouse - where they kept vehicles, weapons, and equipment - what would it look like? And wouldn't all-out-war inside said warhouse be B- E -A -Utiful?"
    I attempted this map once before, but I always run out of $$$$. Thanks to this glitch I have seen my futile attempts turn into limited success. I have created The Warehouse. Only problem I have encountered is when I get alomst finished, and all I have to do is place weapon stockpiles, I am told that I can not create any more items, that there is no room. IS there a MAX number of items the Foundry map can hold? I ended up deleting unneccessary items like barriers, roadblocks and barrels to allow me to place more weapons. i.e., Once I ran out of room, in order to place one SMG, I had to delete one barrrel. To place one pistol, I had to delete one cone. And so on and so forth until I had gotten it the way I (kinda) wanted. Can anyone tell me why I run out of space? Has this hapenned to anyone else? And how can I place a link to my map HERE?

    Thanks guys! And double thanks to whoever discovered this great glitch.
    Oh, and I have not experienced any lag in run time or anything......
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    could someone make one of these for Rats' Nest? it would be really helpful, if so then please PM me.
  6. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    IVlatty, go here: All glitched maps

    every map that they have glitched so far, try looking silly :squirrel_giggle:
  7. Aiglos Y

    Aiglos Y Ancient
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    so if you have a Map with 2 dollars left and you need another, say, wall, set all the runtimes to max, and restart the map? I realized I can max out on powerdrains (at 5) with $0 left, and their max is at 5. Does that have something to do with it?
  8. The publishing fiend

    Senior Member

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    cool glitch did u find this urself?
  9. gman11d6

    gman11d6 Ancient
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    I don't quite understand, but thanks for adding the map with the budget already glitched :D
  10. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Perhaps this is just coincidence, but I have been working on a map using this glitch, and every once in a while, my xbox will freeze for what seems like an eternity (more like 15-30 seconds). If I have others in the game, it will boot them, and also my xbox will make a very loud whirring noise (as if an internal fan or drive started going faster or something). When it unfreezes, everything is fine. I turned off my xbox soon after this happened on two separate occasions because I was hoping not to see the three red lights...

    I have a 360 elite and never had a problem with it. Could this unlimited money glitch be harmful to your system if you overload the resources that Bungie tried to limit? Has anyone else experienced any problems on maps using this glitch?

    Just throwing it out there. I hope it was just a coincidence those two times.

    --dumb cat
  11. E93

    E93 Guest

    pretty sweet, but i dont want to risk never again being able to s;pawn that object
  12. gore maker 244

    gore maker 244 Ancient
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    great tut easy to understand but i have never had budget problems and if i do ill try this tut thanx
  13. sheen360

    sheen360 Ancient
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    unlimited money? if i delete a item why can i replace it? i can add items cant i? this seams confusing can some one please explain :squirrel_sad:
  14. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    no, only in that map varient.
  15. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Never had that problem.......mabye its your 360 or the disk Idk im just saying
  16. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    this seems more work than needed, but yea, the budget is annoying sometimes
  17. Dyer13

    Dyer13 Ancient
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    I just wanted to make it known that Kayaman and I worked together on all but a couple of the Canvas maps under his name. He paid for more file share space and spots, so he is hosting most of them.
  18. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    yup me and dyer he should get the credit for making most of the maps and i should get the credit for finding out better version of the glitch. (i'm talking about the ability to delete almost any object)
  19. IndigoDiablo

    IndigoDiablo Ancient
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    So lets say that i want 21 of x item but in the game it says i can only have 20, with this glitch can i get the 21st item?
  20. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    no, this makes it so you can exceed ur budget, not exceed the items quote. the budget is the cost of the item and you have a certain amount of $$ to start.

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