Thanks, good idea with the King of the hill gametype as well. For anyone interested here are some screens of the actions, I'll probably post version after a little bit more testing. Also I changed the game so it's king of the hill and you are basically always in the hill unless you are dead, so the other team scores point each time you get hit my the coils (aka miss one). There is also respawning now and 3 second invincibility for respawns.
What you'd have to make sure of is that you're using an objective gametype, otherwise you will always get some *** in who will screw things up. At least one. Always.
how big would teams be, those boxes seem kinda tiny. Other than that it looks and sounds really fun. I would love to play it.
The boxes are large enough for 8 people to spawn into each, arranged in a 4 by 2. It works the best with 1-8 people. I haven't really tried it with more than 4 people though, i'm currently looking for testers. I made a gametype that works with it really well and there are no honor rules required. And yes I said 1 player, it's a lot of fun just to turn the score to unlimited and practice your aiming skills with the BR and sniper(even no scopes). I was thinking about adding decoy fusion coils in the form of small barrels but i think they might just get in the way when they land in the boxes.
good idea, but i would suggest staggering the fusion coil launches so you dont have 7-8 flying at a time, or they blow each up in mid air :squirrel_hug: