
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 9, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Sage

    Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hallajuah it featured.

    I did so much testing for this map its redonkulous, yes i did just say redonkulous. I love this map. I wish i could exchange foundry for this. And i love the fact that everything is fun on this i have never found a standard gametype not fun, yes that includes zombies.

    Praise the lord

    P.S. i didnt know how to spell hallajuah all i know is that it starts with a H and has a J and a U
  2. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I thought this was already featured.... whatever! This map is just a example of the skill and potential everyone can get to in the forge! It looks to have great gameplay and just a jaw-dropping design. Matty, your maps are all very very interesting and new, I like that! This one just blows me away with the aesthetics! Though upon looking at the pics, it looks like that towards the front of foundry that there is some over head cover needed. This might delete some of the grenade spamming i think might happen! Good map, though next time skip the effects on EACH AND EVERY pic!
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This truly deserves the feature. Congrats, Matty.

    There are two things that are completely unique about this map:
    1st- The tall structures, duh.
    2nd- The hanging ghosts (it made me lol).

    Very nice gameplay and aesthetics. I had this map since it came out.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How do you guys do it? Every map you guys (premiums, some of them...) are always featured...You must tell me how you do it!
  5. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thank god this finally got featured!

    I loved this map from the start. I tested it multiple times with Matty and I had a lot of fun. I love the interlocking the geomerging and everything that comes with it!

    I loved reviewing this map also!

    Matty you did and amazing job on your last map. Putting much time, effort and work into it.

    Congratz on the feature! I wish I could congratulate you in person!
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Really? I thought the gameplay on this map sucked. Aesthetics were incredible though.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    another feature from matty? wow i sure didnt see that one comming.
    seriously tho good job, glad to see that you've set the standards once again
  8. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    At first when i saw this, i did not think it was going to be featured. But i guess it did.

    Im not saying that the map is bad, it is actually good. It just didn't pop out to me that much. I do like the curves though!
  9. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Right on. This map is epic and I really have a lot of respect for Matty. The fact that someone could forge up a map 5 times faster than I (and I am decent) astounds me. This looks incredible with the looming curved structures and the creative jumps that were implicated. Another well deserved feature, this is the awesomeness that should one day control bungie faves. An awesome map deserving everyone's download, 5/5 on the original post.
  10. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Sweet map! No offense but i love when people leave forging they end it with a HUGE bang, well, premiums/staff/journalists yadda yadda anyway.. sick as map dude, love the worms and the corner wall gaps between the double boxes!
    #30 D34thly F1r3, Nov 15, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2008
  11. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Are you being sarcastic? What do you mean by this?
  12. bio

    bio Ancient

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    It is no secret that members get special treatment proof of that is when i found spawns problems on this map and it got featured anyway, trust me i even did an edited version of this map which i never got people to like so i deleted it --lol-- sorry matty but you know i am not a fan of your's and yes i never liked this boring looking map there are 1000's of better mlg maps out there whit concept applied to the layout of the map example of concept applied to layout is: "MASTER HAND" by Eyeless Sid that's concept so kids do some clicking around and you'll find more than "Aperture" trust me and whit no SPAWN ERRORS, like respawning next to an enemy and 2 spawners one on top of another yeah great work matty. 3/5 from me for interlocking 100% of the objects in the map.
    #32 bio, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I think everyone is sick of hearing this 'preferential treatment' stuff, seriously. Of course we're going to see Matty's new map, and have played on it. But we judge any coloured members' maps, Staff even more so, by the same standards we judge any map by, possibly even more stringently. I haven't found any such spawn issues, but then I wouldn't presume to know all circumstances and am not calling your statements false. But, tbh, many maps have some spawn issues and few forge maps are perfect, blame Forge or Bungie if you're going to blame anyone, and it's quite possible that your downloaded copy has been subject to the random item deletion, generally spawn related items, that plague many maps. We take considerations of preference and fairness very seriously, and this map was tested and considered thoroughly before feature. You may not like it, but going off on criticisms like this is unfair, this map is by no means of a lower standard than other, non coloured member featured maps, nor was it picked in any way based on who made it. Oh, and this is a competitive map, but not MLG, so the point you made with respect to this is kinda flawed IMO.
  14. bio

    bio Ancient

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    I agree that it's hard to get the spawning system to work correctly on every gametype but it is not impossible so again i say "Aperture" does have spawn errors that can turn a game into a mess i found those spawn problems when testing it and when i told matty about it he just got pissed off and banned me from forgehub whit no reason at all and now i'm warned for life for criticising his map so from me i say he is also what i call a FORGEHUBULLY because it seems that members maps are perfect in everyway and of course not available for criticism and again you guys gotta look for concept in maps i strongly advice it if you want a more matture audience. I almost forgot it is clearly is an MLG map.
    #34 bio, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    you got a 3 point infraction for map stealing, which you did. dont try and spin it any other way, kid. And before you mention anything relating to maturity, do a spell check.

    and remember that even default bungie maps have spawn problems. its an inherent part of the game. get over it. Aperture is more than deserving of a feature.
  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I remember testing this map, it was very hard to test because of the lag, but it still deserves the feature.
    I liked this map a lot the only problems I really encountered was that the back part of the map wasnt as used as the middle.
    This map still is incredible congrats on the feature matty
  17. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Default bungie maps have spawn problems??? wao KID that's proof that some people here like MATTY think they are better than the bungie team at designing maps come on you know that's not true and i challenge you to prove it which i'm sure you will not do so. By the way i'm 31 and you??? and i'm not american so i dont really care about english spelling halo is a universal game so dont expect everybody to be american here so tell your friend matty i said hi-- LOL-- he likes my critiscim-- im still WARNED LOL-- And it's called MAP EDITING NOT STEALING im sure true forgers know what i mean by map editing like the 3 versions i have of DUCK HUNT so please go forge something good and post it and good luck whit that just make sure 100% of the objects are interlocked so you wont get banned at forgehub.
    #37 bio, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  18. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    If anything, LIGHTS is a "true forger" and he doesn't forge good. He forges amazing. So don't think you can be a snot-nosed punk about it and call him a noob because you can't come up with a logical reason for your idiocy.

    Congratz Matty, it is greatly deserved!
  19. bio

    bio Ancient

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    When did i said LIGHT'S was a noob??? i said matty is a noob lol. Another FORGEHUBULLY ARE YOU?? LOL. Please kids it is just a map many more will come and better just sit tight grav a controller and play HALO you'll feel much better. And remember the guys at Bungie get paid for this and we dont so take it easy LOL.
    #39 bio, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  20. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    i actually agree with his rating.

    The map just ist really fun to play, maybe an infection varient would be better....

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