AIRBALL: Death Sport

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DarthYoda19, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. DarthYoda19

    DarthYoda19 Ancient
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    Map Title: AIRBALL COURT v2
    This is the first Airball court. The object of the sport Airball is to get killed. Yes, you read that correctly, in Airball you score points by getting killed. You receive points for getting killed and get no points for killing an opponent.

    Download Map:

    Download Game Types:
    Team Airball: Supports 2v2 - 8v8. First full team to be eliminated per round earns a point. 10 rounds per game.

    Airball: Free-For-All. First player to earn 5 deaths wins the round. 5 rounds per game.

    How To Play Airball:

    Step One
    After spawning the players must push the two Airballs into the launching mechanism.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Step Two
    The Airballs then travels under the players feet to the other side of the court.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Step Three
    The Airballs are pushed up a ramp and then fired back at the players below.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Step Four
    Since the object of Airball is to be killed by the Airballs, the players volley for positioning so they are the one struck by the Airball.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Step Five
    If successful, the player will be splattered by the Airball scoring themselves 1 point.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    The options will not let you completely turn off damage, so even though bullet damage is a 0, you can still assasinate an opponent, so be careful not to beatdown someone from behind. If you kill an opponent they will be rewarded with a point. Also, the Airballs will not get stuck in the lift but they may not roll completely into the opening after every launch, if they are stuck on the playing field, simply roll them off either side and they will continue firing.

    Have fun!

  2. APOLLO457

    APOLLO457 Ancient
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    interesting idea, ill have to try it out and tell u how it goes
    if u like CTF games u should check out Crowed Hallway, its pretty sweet!
  3. Hero Of Lime

    Hero Of Lime Ancient
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    Apollo, no advertising your map on other threads. It will eventually get some downloads, be patient.
  4. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    this idea's pretty hilarious, definitely creative. do players that push the ball into the launcher get credit for killing the player the ball eventually hits? is the path of the ball out of the launcher unpredictable enough to offer some variation every time around? this probably doesn't matter as much because the focus of the game is on the players and how they volley for the ball. you've got the incentive not to kill other players covered--if you've got the time and you're looking to make improvements, straighten those walls and boxes around the arena with a vertical bridge--looks good!
  5. DarthYoda19

    DarthYoda19 Ancient
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    Thank You very much dude... I will definitely improve on this court but I wanted to get this posted so people could start playing.

    Yes the path of the ball is variable but still with n a predictable range. SKilled players can jump infront of people and steal the death!

    Thanks again!

  6. Cypherazul

    Cypherazul Ancient
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    Hey cool idea ill definetly download it
  7. Homicidaltard

    Homicidaltard Ancient
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    looks cool pretty original to, ill download it. looks like it would entertain me for hours on end 5/5 :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking:
  8. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Originality: 10/10!
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    love the idea and the step by step walkthrough will dl
  10. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    great idea but maybe make everything a little neater. Trust me people will see that you really care... Other than that great idea.
  11. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Looks quite fun, but I think there is a way to get 0 points for assinating
  12. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Two suggestions:

    1. As stated above, a little polish goes A LONG WAY. People really do notice if you put the extra effort to line everything up.

    2. Angle the floor so that the launched airballs rolls back into the launching mechanism. This will keep the game flowing non-stop, and you can even add in more balls.

    And a question: Will this work with "Free For All"? Seems like it would be just as fun.
  13. DarthYoda19

    DarthYoda19 Ancient
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    Toonshorty- There is a way to set assasination earn points to Zero but there is no way to set death by assassination to zero. It is just another death on the current Bungie scoring system. Thanks for the comment.

    A Dumb Cat- I a currently working on the very court you suggested! What a coincidence! I am polishing Court2 and will post that shortly. As for "Free For All" I have found that it only works for 2-5 players and it is listed under the game variants I have already posted. Its called "Airball". Thanks for your input!

    Actually Bungie should have made two separate menus Earned points and Loss points. Instead they are both combined into a Points menu. This means some constraints on scoring. Since a player is still able to assassinate another player, the killed player earns a point because it is categorized under "kill" when the player dies. This means, under Airball rules, the killed player earns a point and the killer earns Zero. If there was a way to set "killed by assassination" points to Zero then there would be no problem with this scoring flaw. The honors system is not needed because if you kill the other team you score no points and they earn one. That strategy will not win you a game of Airball.

    If you guys have anymore suggestions PLEASE let me know because I am looking to improve.

    Thanks again!

  14. edyy45chief

    edyy45chief Ancient
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    this is way original and i'm sure to tell u how my play goes on this map
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This is a really good idea however, it might be better if you build an area like this for each team to eliminate the honor rule assassination aspect.
  16. Madness4mayhem

    Madness4mayhem Ancient
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  17. Cypherazul

    Cypherazul Ancient
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    K played this today so fun man everyone had a blast it was great
  18. DarthYoda19

    DarthYoda19 Ancient
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    Thank You to everyone who has commented on this map and played it!

    This might be my offical retirement froge posting my creations....

    I have realized by playing with a couple of strangers, that joined a game of Airball because they "liked" it, that they were just joining to promote their own maps. I guess there were Myspace whores, Achievement whores, and now there are Forge whores....

    I know there are plenty of you out there that genuinely like this map and game type and Thank You all for the support. But if you want to join my map and tell me how to change everything so its "better" and make fun of me because I am new at Forging and don't know "easy glitches" then I official RETIRE, I don't want to deal with you anymore. Its only been a week and I feel unwelcome as an amature forger.

    I might be over reacting... but sorry... thats the way I am =[

  19. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Extremely unique and creative concept. I really like it, can't wait to play it.
  20. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    lol this is so funny. everything i thought i knew about minigames has been turned upside down. ty

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