Chaotic Channel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Doog Nit, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Chaotic Channel
    Created by Doog Nit
    Being loyal allies for over 2,700 years isn't enough to forgive treachery. The pact has been broken. This means war.

    Supported Game Types:

    • Team Slayer
    • FFA
    • CTF
    • Assault
    • Oddball
    In the year 300B.C. two great forces collided in the hopes of becoming ultimate ruler of Aztomania. The Huntrid forces were great in number, but low in experience and supplies. The Pharion forces were very well trained and had much firepower, but lacked the manpower. Both territories wanted the throne to the entire region, but neither thought their opponent deserved the spot. So they fought. They fought for 4 months and lost over 70% of all their soldiers. Neither of the forces could overcome the other. What one force lacked, the other had. They finally saw that there was no way to defeat each other so they decided to write a pact. This pact said that Aztomania was now ruled by two as one. They combined forces and named the region "Huntarion." This pact also stated that both forces would act as one and NEVER try and defeat one another. Both sides agreed and the pact was set in stone. The new generations of Huntrid forces grew tired of the "unjust" laws and policies that some of the Pharion judges were passing, and in the year A.D. 2500, one of the Pharion leaders was assassinated. It was unknown who the culprit was, but the Pharions knew what happened. Someone of Huntrid blood caused the treachery. And now, in the year 2502, they're at it again. Will either side become prosperous this time around? It's up to you.

    This map is for teams of about 4 - 6 or 8 people in FFA. The map is pretty large, symmetrical, and works best with Capture the Flag. Juicy FX is on. The bases have quite the arsenal including rockets (0 clips), a sniper (1 clip), BRs, Carbines, a Power Drain, Grenades, a warthog, and other various weapons. The middle has the laser which has a 180s respawn rate. The main vehicles are also in the middle. The chopper has a 120s respawn rate and the tank spawns 180s after start. There are several mongooses. (Some in the base and one in the middle.) There is also a trip mine which can be VERY useful. If laid in the perfect spot, the trip mine can turn a game around. There is a lot of cover going to and from each base so that shouldn't be a problem. Overshield is located at the neutral objective point. (The Man Cannon Cave) The cave only goes a little bit in and blocks off the section where the actual man cannons are. That is where the neutral bomb and oddball spawns as well as some various mid-range weapons. Well that's about it for the description. Oh also the wall blocking off the rest of the map is pretty much uncheatable, but I'm sure with the right arrogance, someone could get out. Just make sure and point out to everyone before you start to NOT go over the wall unless they want to feel the end of your boot. :)
    Forging 101

    YES ] __Floating Objects
    YES ] __Instant Respawn
    YES ] __Immovable Objects
    YES ] __Timed Map Events
    YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Special Thanks

    Complete Overview (Outside the Map)

    Attacker (Huntrid) Side

    Defender (Pharion) Side

    Attacker (Huntrid) Base

    Defender (Pharion) Base

    Bridge/Middle Tower (Attacker Side)

    Bridge/Middle Tower (Defender Side) - Tank spawns 180s after start
    Inside Attackers (Huntrid) Base
    In front of the "Neutral Cave"

    Inside the "Neutral Cave"

    Download Chaotic Channel
    #1 Doog Nit, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I don't remember a member with more map threads in 37 posts, you're quite the machine. I also can't remember a new member, with this many maps, all in a well-formatted correct thread. Excellent job dude, you've got a bright future here. The map is a bit open other than the main bases, I suggest geomerged walls, they add a really nice touch to your map. The bases are very well designed. Have you playtested this? Because I really don't see many spawn points.
  3. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Thanks man it sounds like I just might be a regular around here soon :D and yea there's not too many respawn points because of the stupid object limit :( but there's still enough to make the map work. I have tested it about 3 times and it worked out for the most part. There were some problems with camping, but the tank easily fixed that. ;) And yea I put a couple of geomerged walls in there I guess I must not have taken a close enough picture of them. Thanks for the compliments though it makes all the STUPID MERGING and FORGING worth it :D

    Thanks :D You always have a bunch to say good about my maps
    #3 Doog Nit, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    H3C x Nevz is right, u post a lot of (good) maps!
    anywayz, i really like the towers on the bases. theyre really unique. nice clean merging. i think each side should have a warthog that has a long respawn time. other than that the map seems great. kudos on the wall too!!! plz add a weps list too.
    4.5/5! keep it up!!!
  5. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks dude sounds like this map is gonna be a big hit! And I do have warthogs on each side with 120s respawn - Great minds think alike :D - I must've forgot to take a picture of inside the bases though.
    #5 Doog Nit, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  6. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    np dood. i wouldnt doubt it. then this map has pretty much everything a good half avalanche map should have. im def. going to DL! u should post a pic of the warthogs. and maybe the inside of the bases (if theyre interesting)
  7. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    your maps are very well put together =D
    you deserve good replys =P
  8. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    I'll definitely get on that then. I'll go take a pic after I post this :)

    EDIT: It's up!

    #8 Doog Nit, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  9. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    This looks like an incredible map, with an idea that seems to be very dull and over-used at first glance, but if you take the time to look at it, you can see how original it is. The wall looks awesome, and it is a great idea to use a different half of avalanche. It looks very well-balanced, and perfect for some great games. It also looks like it could be a great territories map. good job on another great map
  10. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    At first, from that overview picture, I asked myself "Wait, is there anything on that the map?" Then I saw the rest of the pictures. haha. So, this looks like a great usage of Avalanche. Definitely refreshing. I really like how you utilized Avalanche's cannon areas as bases. It certainly makes the map look more professional. The battleground looks nice, and I feel for you because I know what it feels like when your making a map, and of a sudden, you hit the item limit. You had a lot of resources used to block off the map. Overall, I think I would need to play it to get a good gameplay review, so good job. Keep it up,
  11. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    I'm a little tired so that first sentence kinda made my brain itch, but I think it was a compliment. XD So thanks for that and thanks for the other good words. And yea I thought the same thing about the Territories thing, but unfortunately after placing the flags, bombs, oddball, starting points, etc., there was no more room for any territories. :( If the map does good enough (Enough downloads), then I'll make a version for slayer and a version for objective. Hopefully that will work out much nicer.

    LOL that's exactly what my bro said when he was looking at it XD (The overview picture), but yea I figured since everyone blocks off the middle when making a map on Avalanche, I figured I'd do the exact opposite. Judging by your comment I think it was a good choice :D And yea I was thinking the same thing about the man cannons they look perfect; it's as if Bungie put them there just for this map. XD I don't wanna spam the thread up, so if you play it, lemme know how gameplay worked out in a PM, or edit your last post and PM me that you updated it.
    #11 Doog Nit, Nov 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  12. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    This seems like an awesome map, I DLed and will give it a try tommorow, just wanted to ask one thing, could you maybe get a screenshot of inside the man cannon cave where the neutral bomb and the oddball spawn?
  13. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Sure I'll get that up there asap.

    EDIT: There we go. Got 2 on there now at the very bottom.

    #13 Doog Nit, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  14. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    At the first glance I this map did look like a great symmetrical map, but when I started to play it with a couple of buddies, I had noticed that one team has easier access to the scorpion and chopper than the other team. Maybe taking down the bridges and facing the scorpion's back towards the Grey wall would help make it a bit more symmetrical. Overall this was a great map though. I really enjoyed it. I wish more people would make more maps on avalanche. I am kinda tired of Foundry.
  15. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Well I made it look that way only because if you play one bomb or flag, the Defenders are on the side that seems to have the advantage. There really is none though. The only slight advantage the red side has over the blue is that they can see when the Tank/Chopper respawns quicker than the other team. But in the map, it's very hard to control the tank anyway. Remember, there's plasma pistols, rockets, laser, power drains, etc. which can kill a scorpion like it's nothing. The longest anyone will "*****" the tank is about a minute before they get killed. Unless the other team is terrible of course. As I've said before though, if this gets enough DLs, then I'll make a version for slayer and one for objective. Then most of these things will be changed.
    #15 Doog Nit, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008

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