Team Forge Hub. I want it to "advertise" the hub. And, seeing that all the members will be from forge hub....
Right now the confirmed players are me as the captain, and G043R and Jayn0. I'm going to need our prefered match day (mon-fri) and our timezones. I am also working on seeing who the rest of the players will be. 4 more are needed.
I'll play, if you want me to GT-DizzyDarknight preferred match day- tues/thurs but any day really. and I'm mountain time GMT -7
People who wish to join the team must sign up here and then post a link to their user page. Thank you.
oh but I can't be on halo until the weekend cause I left my disc at my cousin's house :squirrel_sad: so if you were planning any practices for this week (I'm guessing not but you never know) then I won't be able to come.
Nah, its fine. I don't really have anything planned yet. Check out It says there is going to be a Grifball hopper for this weekend with double xp.
yeah, I hope to get my disc tomorrow so I can brush up on my skillz. Also, should I add you to my FL or are we going to have a silver account setup for the team?