My new map might of been stolen! its a very good map on foundry and its going to kill me if someone takes it... the gamertags that joined and quit really fast were... xSMARTPLAYERx Annihilator28 These people possibly have stolen my map, so dont believe them if the map the have made is really good... its a map with a wall bridge that curves up, the back walls are blocked off by double boxes with walls in them with fence boxes on the back pics come soon I HAVE PROOF THISMAP IS MINE!!!!! Publicservant has seen this map and knows its mine, ask him... im super sad...
Well now that you have informed us about this I'm sure people will believe you. Don't worry, I'm sure they didn't steal your map, anyways.
really sonething like that happened to me the other day 2 people i did not know i instabooted them but good thing all i was working on was a tutorial to how to make archs
Ouch. That must hurt you deep inside. Thats why I always Close the party up. It's much more reliable, that way your "friends" can't just idiotically think it's funny to invite someone.
another reason to forge alone. What a pity. People having to steal maps to get anywhere is pretty ****ing hilarious. I laugh at them not at you btw
i was forging alone everytime i forge its INVITE only, but i was playing TGIF and it was set to open... the kids quit as soon as they joined, so im not sure if it registered but im superscared because this map is my child