Vote and , if you want to, explain why you prefer either weapon. Also give some tips and tricks on the way you use the weapon or a very effective way to use it. Lets start this off, I prefer a battle rifle even though it uses short burst, it is more powerful than the assault rifle and if you aim at the head with the BR (battle rifle) it is a much quicker kill than the AR (assault rifle), especially from long range.
AR FTW! Maybe I'm just lazy and won't pick up a BR, or maybe I suck with a BR, but I don't like them. I am actually okay with them, but I'm not a fan of the bursts.
I will always favor the BR and a close range weapon, or a sniper rifle and stickies. That's usually enough to do the job.
I prefer the Battle Rifle. It's common, which is a plus, and it's more accurate. With the assault riffle, you just "spray and pray", and have to sustain fire until they die. With the battle riffle, you can control its firing in controlled short bursts automatically. You simply know when your opponent is going to die. 1...2...3...4...UGH... ^.^
Battle rifle for the advantage of being able to hit close and far away, and do a considerable amount of damage.
Br cause if u aim at their upper chest the shots u fire r more likely to hit the target. if u aim at their head at least one bullet is going to miss, maybe two from ong range.
AR is a really cool weapon, but its way overpowered and easy to use for h3. Its a gun that no one can brag at bieng good at. which is a shame. I stick to the BR, and i get very agitated when i geat beat by an AR, most of the time its at mid-range, which is wierd..