I remember reading an interview online before the release of Halo 3. Someone interviewed I guess a Multiplayer level designer from Bungie. The interviewer asked something like,"I heard if you play on Isolation long enough, then something may happen on the level." The guy said," You'll have to find out then won't you." I was wondering if anyone knew anything about what they were talking about. If so, please, elaborate.
I have no idea its probably going to take someone like 3 hours to do just to see something. But i mean what human being is going to play halo longer that 3 hours. But hey i have do idea please tell me when you get the answer. Sorry i wish i knew good luck on finding it out!!
Your coment wasnt needed and had no point to the thread either my friend. But towards the thread so you dont get pissed at me.. I think the Isolation secret was mentioned just to get people to try to figure it about but you never know there could be a secret we havnt figure out yet
After a period of time the infection spreads. Yes the bubbles/pimples on the map actually spread to outer reaches of it. Even look for your self. Look where it was one minute then check back in like 30 minutes or longer. Wonder how long it will take to stop, or maybe fill up the whole map...
Well? Have you heard of halos ghosts? Somtimes, on random occaisions, enemies that have no GT and and are AIs, just come out, i used to be part of a clan called SRDP, we had a ton of info on these "ghosts", unfortuneatly, the site got hacked, and deleted, and then the clan just fell apart, im thinking about making an FH group on these "ghosts". BTW i heard leaving your Xbox on isolation long enough makes it rain, and a rumor was, flood come out, this could help ghost study a lot.
No sorry, but I remember hearing it from a high person, or an officail. And Darkdragon that sounds really cool, I'd help with that.
All it is is that the grass is shaded a Floody color. If I can find the picture that I saw of it, I'll edit my post with it. Lamest secret ever.
I think some times the ground changing is more noticeable than others. Once I played a game and the grass seemed to change really quickly. That is that happens though, the grass changes from a healthy green to being infected with flood organisms.
what you may be thinking about is the fact that the ground becomes more "flood like". If you stand on the grass near the snipe spawn, you will see the ground being covered in boils, or rather, more alive in appearance. One of the easiest things to do is to forge/play a game on isolation and go to theatre after and look at the ground near the snipe, and fast forward.
I remember reading that some guy was forging by himself on Isolation, and when he got in a warthog turret, a Phantom attacked him from nowhere. Scary stuff.
Mabey they want Isolation to have a surprise because it plays horrably. You can search this on Google, or ask a modder to see the codes and find out if there is anything hidden. When I say codes, I indeed know what they are but I never sure how to find them out. I am sure a modder knows because they are reworking the system.
Can anyone show some before and after time images of the secret? I'd like to see the actuall difference, and my XBox red ringed. Edit: Sorry fastforward, didn't see thank you.