I have yet to play FarCry2 or see it but I do have experience with Halo 3. Today at lunch I sat with my friends and they were ready to beat the **** out of each other becuase of which was better, FarCry2 map editor and Forge. SO i have something to say to them and so you guys can debate and contradict each other, which is better, FarCry2 map editor or Forge. No insults and use facts rather then basing it solely on opinion. That should not be mistaken by this is a factual discourse.
Easily. Farcry has a map editor, forge is a box mover and rearranger. Though, people have gotten really good at forge, farcry will be much easier and holds many more possibilities.
I agree with Nitrous. You can only do so much in forge, how on the other hand, you can do just about anything in Farcry 2. And from what I hear, the Farcry 2 editor is what everyone thought the "new forge editor" was going to be.
Far Cry 2s map editor is better in almost every way. It has a massive amount of items, sowe that you may think you will never need, and then find you do. A hug space to work with. Tactics such as interlocking and geomerging are tools in this editor. You can edit terrain, to truly make your map your own. Only down side, is no weapon spawning. Also, Forge has a better spawn variety.
In my opinion, they're nothing alike. Forge is a box mover, you rearrange boxes and walls to form maps. In Far Cry 2, you can change terrain, add tons of objects, and practically make anything. I just can't compare them to each other.
Ill quote a friend Cheerful Dub on this issue, because it really puts it into perspective and makes a lot of sense.. and is pretty much unarguable: "Forge was always kind of half baked as far as editors are concerned, there is no grid or snap coordinate system, there are no positive stops on rotational axes for any model. The whole bit about "merging" objects is over the top bug exploitation, the fact that it's the only way to build advanced structures is really strange... there's a difference between fighting the limits of the medium and fighting poorly implemented controls." While Im pretty terrible at it right now, after some practice the FC Editor will be much easier, and offer 1000% more control. This debate is like comparing a HS football team to USC. And to close, Ill quote Chris Rock...kinda: "In the FC Editor the sky's the limit, in forge the limits the sky"
Well, as an editor, Far Cry 2 defnitely excels. The only thing Forge has over FC2 is it makes things for Halo.
Far Cry 2 will have a couple of problems that forge has, little 10 year olds using the map editor. Guess how many maps you will see that ends up being a flat map with a hill, or some crap 4 cornered map with some weird crap in the center. I will agree that FarCry will still have great maps and great features that surpass forge. But as long as parents are willing to have 10 year olds play M games we will not see that many great or fun maps.
FarCry 2 forge/ map editor is way better than halo 3. The forge is just simply mind blowing and the graphics are great. You can forge just about anything in this game i would definitively recommend this game!!!
this has been discussed too many times to count, Far Cry = Map EDITOR/CREATOR type thingy Forge = Moving objects around there is no argument as they are two totally different things
Just rented FC 2, its map editor makes forge look like those ABC building blocks, of course, forge has a few advantages, but overall FC2 has a better editor
I would like to express my thoughts on this. While everyone says that FarCry is a superior map editor, the gameplay is totally different from that of Halo. To many it is unappealing, and to some it is the opposite. Everyone knows that you can make great maps on FarCry, but I think that the real debate is will anyone really be willing to play them?
Halo 3 has a way more simple version of an editing version. I dont think bungie really wanted to concentrate on map builing, if they did I think it would be better than Far Cry 2's. But since forge was kind of rushed Far Cry 2's is farely more advanced
Far Cry will get old easily, they set up things in Far Cry 2 so there are really no new things to be done in it. Halo had a an unexplored feeling where you could find out new things like merging and stuff. It has more unexpected qualities where you can make cool new things with that kind of engine, whereas FC2 is just a basic sandbox where the game developers hand you the tools to create things, such as mountains, canyons, houses, and stuff. Halo you have to build that original house out of scratch... This is why the tony hawk map editors never got anywhere. In those you had quarter pipes, loop-de-loops, half pips and pretty much everything already made for you. Far Cry 2 will get old within a half a year. Forge will still go on.
Yeah I do agree that farcry 2's map editor is better, but it has things that I miss from halo, which is why I only played for like 2 days at a friends house. You can't make mini games or race maps. The gameplay in farcry is not good, no horrible though. Those two things stop me from playing the game but mostly the 2nd one.
How easy it to share your maps with others in FC. I think that should be taken into consideration. Far Cry definitely is a superior editor hands down, but with a lack in community and ability to share user created content, what's the point?
To answer the above person's post. Far Cry actually makes it pretty easy to share content. There's a search bar where you type in whatever it is your looking for and maps will pop up. So if I want CTF with a map resembling Paris, you type it "Paris, CTF" and you instantly get maps with those titles. Or if you want to search for the maps of a particular person, just type in their GT and you get alll their maps. Both halo and far cry have their advantages and disadvantages to sharing. But when it comes to actual map editing, Far Cry is clearly the superior map editor, no contest. In forge you can move a limited supply of objects around, place spawns, and that's about it. In far cry you have an almost unlimited amount of objects at your disposal. If you can dream it, you can make it. In addition, you don't need time consuming techniques to merge objects. In Far cry that's as easy as dragging one object into another. in short FC2 Map Editor > Halo 3 Forge
On the internet though how easy is it to take pictures and present your map in the manor it deserves. I understand that Far Cry is easier to utilize but is it necesarily better, not just the editor itself but with the community as a whole.
I also think that making maps in Halo 3 is starting to become more skill based. People take lots of time in Halo to learn all the techniques and when the map is done its really a work of art. When you are in Halo and are looking at a map you think: "Wow. This person spent a lot of time on this and it looks really good." For this reason I think Forge is better
I think it takes more skill and patience to perfect a map in Halo 3 but you can make better maps in Far Cry 2 becasue of its wide variety of objects to place.