A game of Onslaught flag is the furthest thing from boring. Watch the pros play it. It is easily the most entertaining.
I love guardian ball, but any CTF variant has a place in my heart as well. Pit KOTH needs to go, as does Construct slayer, Construct because assaulting the top floor is an exercise in frustration, and Pit King because the side hills are usually too far away from your team's respawn, which slows the game down. People love Construct though, so I'm gonna assume I'm alone in that.
Top 3: 1. Guardian 2. Amplified 3. Narrows I just love Guardian overall, Amp is probably the best MLG gameplay on a forged map, and out of all the Bungie-made maps, I'd have to say Narrows is amazing. It's my second favorite map overall in H3.
1. amp slayer 2. pit hill 3. pit slayer 4. pit flag gotta love the pit, but i love amp. i guess i just know what im doing on amp more than most people