Debate Gustav: the Crocodile Killer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by drak, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Gustav has killed over 600 people, and is estimated to have lived for 60 years. Key word: estimated. Gustav has never been captured. and notoriously murders along the ruzizi river. Gustav is considered the most ruthless murderer of all time.
    Is it mutation? No, according to scientists studying and tracking Gustav, the water where he was born was not contaminated.
    They can estimate his age by looking at his tail.

    Video of Gustav

    Just to show you his size, and compare him next to other Full-Grown Crocodiles (20 feet) (0:35 into the video)
    ***Ignore the Crappiness of the video creation, but yes, that really is Gustav***

    Why is he not dead yet?

    1. Many have tried to kill him, some in self defense, some in revenge for the loved ones he has killed, others to prevent it from happening, yet he hasn't been killed?
    2. First off, Crocodiles and Alligators are known for their armor, as are other reptiles
    3. Crocodiles (regular ones) can't be killed in any other way by normal weapons (rifles) except a point blank shot straight into the top of his head; In other words, you must stand right above him, and shoot straight down.
    4. For the above, try getting near a 34 foot crocodile the size of a School Bus.
    5. As for non-normal weapons, Gustav has no chance of being killed even by an elephant gun, the one that is used to take down full grown elephants. They just bounce off the armor, no questions asked.
    6. He is a mystery to scientists
    7. What has he done wrong? (debate)

    Now onto the question:

    Do you consider Gustav a murderer?

    He has killed 600 people, some not even for food.

    Now consider these other factors:

    1. He is big for a reason. No Crocodile grows to that size, and lives for that long unless..... \/
    2. We haven't killed him because he is a phenomenon, a medical mystery, so to speak.
    3. What has he really done wrong to us? He kills for himself, whether for food or self defense. We are the ones going into his territory.

    What do you think?

    1. Should he be killed? Why? If not, then state why as well.
    2. Is Gustav a Murderer? How so?
    3. Is there any other way to approach/treat the problem of Gustav remaining the most "Ruthless Murderer of All"?
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    First of all....what the hell.

    Second of all, I love the name "Gustav". It really fits an African crocodile.

    Third, why does this crocodile have to be removed? It's an evolutionary miracle to say the least. I have never seen one that big(a crocodile, so no that's what she said-ing) before, and it truly is an amazing site.

    So. Killing Gustav would be out of the question. I agree. He's an animal. He kills. That's just instinct. For some reason, the big imbecile keeps winding up next to people. And that's exactly why he needs some extraction. If you look at 1:40 in the video....he's just laying there. I mean, come on. I know he's gigantic, but...seriously. Throw a net over him, tranquilize him, and cover his snout. Then airlift him out of there.

    Or wait until he dies.

    If Steve Irwin was still alive, Gustav would be at Seaworld right now.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Dude, like I said, tranquilizer darts do not penetrate. Its like shooting a brick wall, and especially now that his armor is fortified.
    You would have to roll him over on his back, and shiit him in his belly (soft spot).

    Anyways, don't you think this has been attempted before?
    Try trapping something and turning it over (while its thrashing like crazy) that weight a ton. Not happening.

    Second, Gustav has learned any and all types of trapping thrown at him. He can now recognize and successful thwart any attempts to capture him.
    Like I said, he's been around this long for a reason, that is, two (IMO): Evolutionary Miracle (lived so far 30 years longer than the average Crocodile...) and also the fact that he's clever.
  4. Pyridoxamine

    Pyridoxamine Ancient
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    All I can say is; what would Steve Irwin do? Steve wouldn't allow the crocodile to be killed, and would most likely try to save the animal. Crocs are very unique, and killing him being extra large would be like killing a star. People should be more aware of the situation rather than mindlessly going around where crocs live.
  5. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Dude. This is such a bad ass animal. I didn't know crocs were basically bulletproof until now, very interesting.

    This is a silly statement. Why would you try to kill a crocodile with an elephant gun. It's for elephants, this is a croc.

    This question is invalid, you can't kill something that doesn't die. But seriously, i don't really have a solid stance on the issue. They'll do what they have to do.
  6. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Let me put this in another way:
    Steve Irwin vs. TEAMS of people
    Listen: whole teams of scientists and professional crocodile hunters (as in the term) couldnt capture this beast. You must understand: he can't be captured humanely.
    Not all are. It's just that the normal methods of capturing full growns can't even come close to the size of this Mega-Croc. This guy is the length of the average schoolbus. He weighs a ton.
    Actually, Elephant guns are considered one of the strongest guns you can shoot.

    Look at the size of this thing. This just blows through an elephant...sort of.
    I dont really know in an elephant's case, but for Gustav, it just bounces off hist tank-like armor.
    Thats the point of a debate. Lets see what more of ForgeHub has to say....
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    If a human with a mental problem went around killing people, he would be sentenced to death, or at least taken away. Being that it is an animal doesn't make a difference, and that it can't be taken, I think it should be killed.
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I would like to see a credible source saying that an elephant gun shell is deflected by crocodile hide. An elephant gun would blow gustav to pieces. The only remains would be the bloodstain from where he was laying.
  9. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Some of this doesn't make sense to me. It's outstanding that he has grown this large, truely astonishing. Of course he shouldn't be killed, but I think (if possible) he sould be captured and studied for a short period of time. Mainly I think they should do this just for scientific reasons, then released back where he is from.

    Now on to the "what the hell?"
    If you are the biologist following around a creature like this, how could you let it kill 16 innocent people? When he fallows the croc to a part of the river where there are people, why wouldn't he do anything? What kind of person sits there and lets people be murdered when he could save their lives? It wouldn't be too hard to communicate, point towards the water and screen. They'll get the memo.
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Dogs, which their owners love dearly.. are put down for mauling children/people.

    I don't see why it should be any different for Gustav.

    They should atleast capture him and put him in a zoo or something.

    Why don't they try poisoning his food? Or grenades or trip mines?

    And I have to agree with nitrous, the elephant gun would easily cut through the alligator.

    If alligators/crocodiles armour was really that tough, SWAT teams would be wearing alligator armour.

    Elephant guns can rip through bulletproof vests.
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Correction: 600+ innocent people.
    Correction @ person sitting there: its a thing called stealth. Look at how Gustav sneaks up on the animals drinking. It's not that easy for a person to spot that animal....although he is large.
    And why would you kill him?
    You say why others a question
  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I don't think it should be killed, but they could be a bit smarter on how they try to capture him. If he's not near water, why not try using some sleeping gas on him or coughing gas? Something that would make him turn over so they can tranquilize his stomach?
  13. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Rofl at how much I have wrong.
    The one reporter witnessed 16 killed on his personal trip.
    Errr. ... at the rest, maybe i was just unclear. I don't think he should be killed, just studied.
  14. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Well, he's killed 600+ people. That is, animals not of Gustav's species.

    Humans kill countless numbers of animals a year for food and other purposes. I mean, sure, we're top-of-the-food chain and we're killing lesser (in terms of intelligence) animals, but I don't see too much difference in what Gustav is doing compared to us. The first definition on for murder is the killing of another human being. This is what I personally consider murder, because that is when intelligent humans with personalities/etc. are killing each other, but this is an animal killing people. He's not bound by our laws, so I don't think we should be able to give him the death sentence for murder.
  15. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I think the reason they can't get him with and eliphant gun is that they hit him at a shallow angle and his skin is probably alot tougher because he I some kind of super beast.
  16. Shad0wAssassin5

    Shad0wAssassin5 Ancient
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    Yea I agree with you. Humans kills so many animals for food and other purposes. Gustav in most cases is killing humans for food and food is one of the needs for survival.
    I think it shouldn't be killed, just captured. We kill animals and Gustav kills humans, both do it mostly for survival and food. Gustav sees humans as food, every animal cannot live without some type of food. It cannot eat normal alligator/crocodile food, so it has to eat bigger animals. Gustav doesn't kill humans for no reason it is for survival. Like said before it is a evolutionary miracle. It is like saying it is not wrong to kill thousands or millions of animals but it is wrong for an animal to kill a human. Again I think they should attempt to capture it in a different way or study it in its habitat since that one guy followed it.

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