i know but in game play when one grenade goes off everything moves and falls over giving it a war zone look and also the trucks and worthogs are used 4 cover
i dont understand when u came out with ur dad on avalanche that is random my mpa is just streets not a statue
PHP: thanks but i tried to make it look like streets and 6 worthogs 2 mong = not really competitive.. so i am soory but it still has game play
Nice map! 4/5, only for lack of originality- it's an old idea, no offense-, little cover- the floor is a little bare-, and I've read that story on about twelve different maps. Sorry! Very nice look though!
show me a map just like this plz i have never seen a map like this one and another it is not competitve so back and go to another thread it has no cover so i am sorry if you have never been outside your house and seen a corner in your city i guess u live in your basement
Wow, you just gave me a amazing idea that has nothing o do with your map. Thanks alot. O, and you map looks pretty good dude. It could look better with more clutter.
i love your saw map and have played your welcome on the idea i guess tx for commment some people thin that there shou8ld be more stuff and others do not so tx for impion
The map looks really good, and the bases are a major plus... I just think you need more cover in the middle. If it wasn't for the warthogs I would think this was a competitive map. 4/5
tx for the advice for the mid and i will send some help for you who needed help with this map what is way it is called streets and no one walks into on coming traffic nice i thought of that , at first but changed so 4 sides are even but on street ... send mess when you post i never thought of that tx
^^^^=holy quadruple post batman! Anyway, I love it. It looks like it would make a perfect set for some great machinimas. The way it's set up just...throws stuff at me...in a good way. 4/5 for the map, but dude, watch your consecutive posting and/or bump attempts^^^^.
The map looks really nice, but from the pics I thought that it was a little open. Im going to dl the map because all my maps that I made suck. KEEP FORGING OR DIE!