
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Yekkou, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Alright, so I've been moping around, my brain dead, no ideas whatsoever. I'm pretty sure most of you know exactly how I feel. Those times where nothing comes to mind except for frustration.

    Well that's how I was but then I finally got an idea!! yes! er... okay. So i wanted to make a map with a death barrier, you know... like you jump of an edge then the sudden "You fell to your death... fail", except I didn't want to go through the trouble of all the floating and saving you have to do to make one on Blackout or some alike map.

    This brings me to my game type which I so cleverly named ".Slayer." This game type is a King of the Hill game type. Yes Yes I know "HE'S INSANE! THAT COMPLETELY MESSES WITH THE FORCES OF NATURE ITSELF!!" Well yes... and no. Let me explain, I set one gigantic KotH spawn around the entire map. Then I set the KotH traits to super slow, dense gravity, killed in one hit, way point above there head (so everyone knows they've fallen off), and they can't do any damage. This means they're pretty much helpless and can't get back unless someone kills them, or they go through one of the conveniently placed teleporters that kill you FOR you!! :D yeah.

    Alright so now that you guys have the basic concept of what I'm doing, and if you still don't keep rereading it over until you do or not... whatever suits you, now we can get onto the map. I'll also do the pleasure of retyping the name of the map for you. No thank yous necessary.



    And there you go, and before any of you ask if you were going to ask, yes, you can get the overshield by going on the hazardous cannon launcher. I'm sorry, it's just a chance your going to have to be willing to take. But once you get used to how the laucher works it'll be an easy grab n' go for the overshield. The stairs to the original set bases on Foundry have been blocked off, and I'm pretty sure there's no way to get to them. Oh yeah, now for the boring stuff.

    This map can be played with 2-5 Players

    Weapon List:
    2 x BR
    2 x Plasma Rifles
    1 x SMG
    1 x Sniper Rifle
    1 x Shotgun
    1 x Sentinal Beam
    1 x Needler
    2 x Spikers
    1 x Plasma Pistol
    1 x Machine Gun Turret
    1 x Regen
    1 x Bubble Shield
    2 x Frag Grenades
    2 x Plasma Grenades

    Now for the GAMETYPE:

    the MAP:

    Just so you know the only downfall of making a gametype like this is that it can ONLY be a slayer game type, which, I know, sucks. But at least it's somewhat of a death barrier.
    And that's about it. Yup. Don't have much more to say. yeah...
    Feedback would help, I can't make a death barrier replica on my own.

    Have a Blast...

  2. Eclipse Ang3l

    Eclipse Ang3l Ancient
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    Dude nice map. looks great and death barrier thing looks beast. I am so going to download the map. Great map 4/5

    Keep on Forging OR DIE!
  3. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    haha... uh... I don't know if I was supposed to take that as a compliment or a threat... or a complireat? thanks?
  4. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    At first glance this map looks like a forging masterpiece. The aesthetics are great but I'm wondering if the gameplay will match. Personally, I think you took a risk of making a map where you have to kill yourself if you fall off. I believe, though, that it was a risk worth taking. This looks like a well thought out map and has a good look. I willl definitely download. 5/5 for now. I may be back with a full review tomorrow.
  5. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    Oh don't worry about JUST killing yourself. I put the way point there so others could join in on the fun of killing people who carelessly fell off. Don't try to keep all the joy of killing yourself to yourself haha. Thanks I'll be looking forward to you're review!
  6. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Hey map looks sick, maybe no so many shield doors, encourage camping, and some of your pics arent woking for me dont know if thats just me or what

    4.8/5 because of the shield doors, and also if smeone just camped in side the tunnels at the back and couldnt be killed, wouldn't that ruin the map? OR is it blocked off?
  7. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    Don't worry about the shield doors, there are more than enough to kill people using them. Like the overpass, you may not be able to kill them straight on but the fusion coils inside will. and tunnels? if your talking about that path with the little hut things then that place is accessible in multiple of ways and is exposed in plenty of ways also. Thanks for the concern, and the comment! +good rating!
  8. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Wow... I really like this concept. I know people have done stuff like this before, but I think you are one of the first to really execute it well. This is basically showing Forgers everywhere that there truly is no limit to what we can do in Forge; we can quite literally make Blackout in Foundry if we wanted. You usage of the death barrier has definately filled me with ideas. I guarantee you this is gonna get ripped like crazy now ;)

    This map is just flat out amazing. The interlocking is all prime, it seems to be pretty much bump free and flawless. The map is highly aesthetically pleasing also. The setup, especially the thing walkways and roofs, remind me of something like the jungle in Jak and Daxter (if anyone has ever played that. If you haven't, go find yourself a PS2. Leave your Halo cave). I think of a kind of swampy, low-down village of shacks and wooden bridges raised up above the muck. When you can create an image like this in Foundry, you know you've done well.

    I also like the Blackout-style feel to this map. That is to say, the map is essentially a series of larger "rooms" or platforms connected by thin walkways. A skilled jumper can take shortcuts like crazy across this map. However, the map still remains entirely unique, with additions such as the Octo Lab brining in a LOT of variety. The teleporter and Cannon rooms are nice additions as well.

    All in all, I think this map could damn well be the next Feature (ok, the next not-2v2 tourney feature). Seriously, I recommend it. Oy, Journalists... FEATURE NAO!

  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Wow, your aesthetics are very, and I mean very, pretty.
    I would recommend however, that you show a screenshot of the blockage of the back hallways and things like that.
    A couple of gameplay pics would be nice but not needed.
    I really like your man cannon, man cannons are cool.
    I have a couple of quibbles, but as I haven't playtested it yet, you don't need to listen too much... Remind me to post back.
    Only 2 sticks? Sadface.
    A sentinel beam is a risky choice, but as I said, I haven't played this yet.
    Overall, very good. Keep up the good work. :)
  10. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    The biggest problem that I dont like with this map is that if you fall down then you have a find a way up, because its hard to find the way up. The layout on this map, however, is pretty good. I love the originality. 3.5/5
  11. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    When you fall off the map you don't find a way up. You walk through the teleporters to kill yourself. Think of this as a floating map, but on foundry. When you fall off, you die. This was a brave risk but Toast has managed to take this concept and use it very well.
  12. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    awesome map, looks almost flawless. i still hate shield doors, though, so thats a big minus for me. i also know the feeling of having no ideas. i haven't come up with a new map in months, although i just started one on blackout which should come out soon
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My question is, How do you get points? Killing someone in the hill?, being in the hill? staying out of the hill? or just getting kills period? I know you explained that you are labeled dead if you fall on the floor but there is nothing stating the method of getting points. It seems kind of cool, like you have a great concept I just dont know how to score. The map itself looks great and your structure look awesome so if you let me know how to score, that would be awesome. Good job.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I can see potentially very good gameplay coming from this map, I like the interlocking and the post is set up very nice. However it took a long time for the post to load for me, dunno why
    nice map
  15. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    i wish they had an option where you could have certain places instant death areas.. mabe if they make a new awsomeleygodlike foundry substitute they will include that feature
  16. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Thanks for this great comment, seriously, it's HUGE. and it gave me some great criticism. There are still alot of stuff to tweak as this is still V1. But yeah haha.

    The Blockade thing just squares off the stairs up into the bases with two fence boxes. Nothing to special to picture. Use your imagination to picture the boxes blocking off the stairs :D as for your thought on man cannons, I completely agree! They are great!
    And to the sticky comment, if i would've put more, then the whole thing would be a bunch of blue streaks flying across the map. Don't worry, you'll probably get the stickies the next time you kill someone.
    I have to say the sentinel beam is pretty even on the map. It can easily be taken out by some smart thinking!
    Thanks for the post!

    If you mean the Lost and Forgotten part, I just added that in there because it was apart of the map description in-game.
    And the minimum speed, yes come to think of it, the game could go alot smoother if they could get back faster. I was just thinking of how easily they could get killed if they were slower (So they could get picked off by other players). Thanks for that suggestion, making me think again! haha

    It's exactly as Blue Pariot says. Except for the fact that others can also gun you down so as to kill you quicker! hehe

    The shield doors, I think, are necessary since there is already a little amount of cover around the map. Otherwise you would be getting shot at every time you spawned! Which would suck. Oh, and can't wait to see what you've come up with!

    Suprisingly enough, there is actually an option in the KotH gametype that lets you set it so you can get points for each kill you get, in or out of the hill. Out of the hill in this case.

    Ah, sorry for the inconvienence. If I knew how to make it load up faster I would do it. But, I can't and don't know how to. Suggestions?

    Doesn't everybody? Mayby, in the fu-tur-e

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