POA Bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Val, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. Val

    Val Ancient
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    On a previous map i re-created the full Pillar of autumn. It was okay, but i thought a certain epic part of it could have been done a lot better.
    This is a full remake of the pillar of autumns bridge to the best scale and detail i could manage.


    This is the view from the front. There is no way out from the inside but i thought it neccasary to build the front correctly to give me a reference. I used the juicy lighting effect to make it seem more ship like and not in daylight.


    I spent a long time on the front, the viewports gave me hell though it turned out okay in the end. The main problem is the sloping roof; this is due to the lack of barriers available. I am most pleased with the chairs and computers.


    These are the computer controls, set back into the walls. Took an unbelieveable amount of time and objects to create though i am most proud of them.


    Heres the pit. This part didnt take me very long once i'd figured out how to do it, though i dont really like the computers compared to the ones in the walls.


    Heres the entrance to the sorta lobby area outside. Most definately not pleased with the door but slapping a single box through the roof definately helped. Great floor anyway, good interlocking.


    The corridor leading to the bridge. Again i wish i couldve done the doorways. This is where the map ends, ive sealed it off with a sort of blast door thing i hope it looks like.

    There is a point to all this apart from aesthetic maddness. It works very well as a small FFA map. For SLAYER, KING OF THE HILL, ODD BALL and JUGGERNAUGHT.

    Download POA Bridge
  2. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    wow those computers are amazing its great waht you did there with the aesthetics. deatail instaed of only looking like a giant lump. really good gotta download this to have a closer look
  3. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wow this is really good! The pics and the map are basicly identicle. I especially like the main room. I will definately Dl!
  4. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    This is pretty much epic win. It's really nicely made, its exactly like it. Fantastic job on this, great aesthenic map. You interlocked everything and used all the items creatively. Awesome bro.
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    this is one of the most astheticly pleasing maps ive ever seen. if only there were enough items for you to finish :(
    you pretty much made the ship exatly how it is. the computers and screens came out pretty good. i hope this map gets the ratings it deserves. 10/10
  6. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    OMFG I LUZ YEW!!!!!11!!!!! *faints* I LOVE IT. Your aesthetic maps have been great so far, but this, along with the POA, ARE AMONG THE BEST AESTHETIC MAPS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!! This remind me of the good ol' POA, and, more importantly, of the good ol' days in HCE. Halo: Custom Edition, bish. This map brings me back to the good old days of playing non-stop on maps like Extinction and Downflow (I wish my halo:pc disk wasn't fuxxed, D'X) and such. The interlocking is FANTABULARIFFIC, the inspiration is AWESOMELICIOUS (please never make me say that again, D':), and overall, this map deserves a 38/5. No, a 48/5 because of the nuke drops, draco coke-room meetings, longsword flights, and mythos-scarab battles i just remembered. Thank you. :') <---omg happy faic tears :O

    Btw: In the wise werds of Trogdor, FEATURE NAO!!!
  7. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Finish!!!!! lol. you wouldnt get it till 2010 if you wanted me to do the whole thing to scale
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Holy ****!!! This is the best detail I have ever seen on something.
    Do they feature Aesthetic maps? If so, this should be featured now!
    5/5 definately. Great job :)
  9. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Wow. this is one of the best, if not the best ship map that i have ever seen. every detail is covered, down to the terminals. It looks amazing, and it looks like you spent lots of time on it. This is a great map, and i hope to see more like these in the future


    300th post hellz ya!!!!
    I'm gonna make a map to celebrate, don't you all worry lol
  10. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    thank jebus you made this. after i d/l your first poa remake i was really hoping you'd do something like this. as always, unbelievable interlocking and aesthetics, great playability too. i wouldn't be surprised if this were featured or got over 5000 downloads. 5/5
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    val, i am simply amazed yet again
    having completed your last poa map, which was beutiful from teh outside, had a bridge and sh!t, and a working mac gun
    now with this one, you have "completed" your poa of maddness, by making a so realistic and true inside.
    it would be wonderful if they could both be included in 1 map, but sadly with the physics of forge and a small list of items i dont belive that is possible
  12. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I've seen alot of this ship maps but i've never seen one based on this ship.It is very well made and even though you see this alot this is probably one of the best ones i've seen.Nice job
  13. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    I've never seen a focus on just the bridge of a ship, it's always a replica of the entire thing.
    Great job on the aesthetics, it actually does look like the POA, just with a different colour scheme.

    Would be great for a machinima, if used right.
    Excellent re-creation, telling from the pictures.

  14. Revoltingmadman

    Revoltingmadman Ancient
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    wow perfection
    you really love the autumn lol
    i curious on what you'll do next
    5/5 exelent detail
  15. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    IMO this is probably the best ship type map I've ever seen! Great job! So much detail and amazing aesthetics. I love the computers and the pilot seats the best though. Nice interlocking and I think this completely resembles the POA. Again great job! 5/5
  16. Fox

    Fox Ancient
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    i know why you cant get out... the map (in back story) is based on the fact that if you kill Keys then the doors seal and unkillable marines lead by Johnson comes after you! ha perfect reason.
  17. atc1995

    atc1995 Ancient
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    Another great asthentic map by Val. Looks very acurate and I am downloading. 5/5
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Dude I tell you what, I could guess what the map is a remake of by not even knowing what it is.
    Thats how well you did on this map, nice job the compuers turned out nice too btw
    Great job
  19. Eclipse Ang3l

    Eclipse Ang3l Ancient
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    Dude that is the best POA bridge I have ever seen. You are offically my hero.
    To bad you cant make a entire POA With infinite items and money.

  20. xXSgt MaRsXx

    xXSgt MaRsXx Ancient
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    amazing simply amazing. its amazing what people do in forge with interlocking/merging, i can merge but it is no where as clean as this.

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