It has alot of cool features its kind of confusing at first but once u figure out the telepoters :squirrel_wtf: its easy. Its completely semetirical made for team slayer up to 4 teams it has a good trick with needlers where u can just rain down destruction on unsuspecting victums :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_rocking: <( *_* )> The UFO Pic of ufo Edit by Asper49: Please only use the name of your map for the topic title.
this is getting old... Please read this topic and edit your original post if you want people to pay closer attention to your creations. You could also use this template when posting maps. Don't take it personally, take it seriously. Peace // gorebound
Re: the ufo with working link I posted on the previous thread, but I don't want it to go unnoticed. I really think the system would benefit from improvement in the suggested area: there is too much of an inflexibility in the way unsatisfactory posts are treated. while it is important to redirect these people to the right resources for posting properly, there should be some kind of specialist(s) on the Forge Hub Team or in the Forge Hub Community who take(s) care of this. This person (or these people) should be in charge of actually implementing the posting standards in each of the appropriate threads, no one else. I just see too many people unnecessarily post exclamatory remarks to either beef up their post count or join in with the crowd (excluding those who are genuinely trying to help). And it's ironic--because it keeps these "unsatisfactory posts" on the front page when more deserving posts deserve to occupy the same slots. so reward an individual or a group of individuals with a nice title like "Sufficiency Expert", make sure they know the rules like the back of their hand, make sure they can respond with varying degrees of severity, and make it clear to the community that these individuals are the only ones responsible for posting about post requirements. this would remove a large majority of clutter from the forums and ensure that more pertinent posts are being made instead. obviously the next step would be to formulate a reward and/or penalty system, only if it was absolutely necessary.
Re: the ufo with working link hey ya fu nk n *** get a fu nk n life and find something better to do than be a retard and fu nk wit peoples shut i might not know alot about computers but i could kick ur azz any day.. not u guy who helped me but the guy who keep change my post so it say other stuff ps who ever u r i challenge u to a game of halo so i can a least pown u at that since i cant get my hands on u in real life Edit by Asper49: First off this kind of behavior at ForgeHub will not be tolerated, secondly this is a forging community not a community about "pown"ing people.
Re: the ufo with working link Wow umm I don't really understand whats going on here, but Forge Hub is not a place for hate. And really the profanity is not allowed. And as for trying to make map posts better I agree and I am pretty sure the Admins are working on a solution while the Mods are doing their best at trying to decrease the bad posts.
Re: the ufo with working link Really you need to read the posting information and rules here. Also embed your pics and you will attract more interest. Oh and most importantly, please don't EVER post the same thing in the same section, with a different an incorrect title, you are begging to get spanked by a moderator. - Brute Captain
Re: the ufo with working link I'm guessing that you're referring to me? I'm just tired of people that post maps without reading the rules and therefore I guide them to the right places where they get information on how to alter their original post. Peace // gorebound
Re: the ufo with working link No, he's referring to me! Just kidding. I like the 'Suffeciency Expert' title. Sounds manly. ... I have no further comments of this thread.
I don't exactly no wats going on here buts its entertaining me I want to watch this"challange" should be entertaining As for the map... I'll download cause apparently its the next bungie favorites map edit: Also lol this map is "pimp" I'll play it tommorow and see how it is and tell u. Just don't flip out on me if I don't like it
Re: the ufo with working link This is completely unnacceptable, disgraceful behaviour. Lock. One day Ban. Seriously think about your behaviour and conduct on these forums when you return, because as of now, I'd rather you never came back. I'm fed up of these homophobic, threatening, unprovoked attacks by socially deficient individuals.