When I get bored on forging which is a lot of times, I like to go into matchmaking, but when I play i can never, and now I mean never get a good partner. I have horrible luck. I mean acouple times I had a general on my team and they just betrayed me the whole time. I would like to play with someone that is actually good at it. My gt is bobsagetismyhro, please reply to this message if you want to to let me know. Thaanks
I can easily relate to your situation. I have actually had a game where I game out of 4v4 teamslayer with a +36 k/d ratio yet lost the game... While it is true that in general I go up in rank I rarely go into ranked team games without a party. So feel free to send me a game invite GT: Erisnas I could really use a decent partner as my highest skill is only 14 due to my lack of decent ranked team matches. It is interesting that it doesn't represent my actual skill though...
my dubs is 37 right now, i don't play swat much but its like a 20. I also know how you feel, i go in dubs to warm up most of the time, Most of the time i backpack my teammate in it though. It is frustrating getting matched with BK's who go -7 every game
LOL i no. It pisses me off so much. Maybe we can play like tomorrow or something? My gt is bobsagetismyhro
Sadly i'm grounded on my mom's terms...wow i sound retarded. I only get to play from like 4-5:30 EST but just send me a FR or I'll send you one once i get on GT: MLG Blanked
oh when do you get unwarned? Also, what is your rank in MLG? I would love to play witha decent player, lol. I will send you a FR tomorrow.
LAWL... BOB SAGET!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh good times good times my GT: Boyle06 but i dont get to play much but if u catch me some time i will play w/ u n i am good too... at MLG, Slayer... just bout all of em' i can do... im good w/ BR no-scope/sniping.... so ya add me
I'll be glad to play some doubles, warning though, I've never played it before X/ I do play slayer alot though, so I am good at that. Lone wolves: 31 Swat: 7 Team Doubles: ??? (0???)
Hmm never played doubles.... thats cool. I could help you get it up, if you want. I might always be forging tho, when you get on. I only play MM when I get bored of forge, which is a lot.
no, I got a big spanish test tomorrow, but I will send you a FR and we could like play tomorrow, or we could like make a map or something, I mena if you want to.......
How come, vetenareans day? or however you speell it. I wish I had an hour off of school, because then I wouldn't have to take the spanish test. I havn't even studied for it. lol.