
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ODST Viper, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. ODST Viper

    ODST Viper Ancient
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    Version 1

    This is the first version in what I hopes to be a very fun and original map. While a vehicle battle is not original as my versions progress, I promise that it will easily be the most unique. Please tell me this maps faults and anything that I can do to fix it. I want this map to be as perfect as possible when the final version.

    Vehicle is a big team slayer map with best being played at a full party of 16. The minimum amount of people that you can effectively play with (without it becoming boring) is 12 or 6v6.

    Rounds: 1
    Time: 20 mins
    Score: 150
    Weapons: AR/Magnum start

    The basic layout (with vehicles and weapons) is this:

    A Human base
    -2 Scorpion Tanks
    -2 Chain gun Warthogs
    -3 Mongeese w/ 2 Rocket launcher and 1 Splaser

    A Covenant base
    -2 Wraith Tanks
    -2 Ghosts
    -2 Brute Choppers
    -1 Prowler w/ Fuel Rod gun

    There is also a series of "pocket bases" where the humans can defend or the Covenant can advance. The human bases consist of two barricades with turrets and rockets while the Covenant bases are floating towers stocked with weapons.

    Links and pics: <---Gametype <--- Map

    Human Base

    Covenant Base
    Covenant Tower
    Human Pocket Base 1
    Human Pocket Base 2
  2. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    I understand that you did not mean to post it yet but you should probably hurry up and finish the post. Your post is not up to forge hub standerds and while you did not mean to post you did so I would try to get an embled pic and a good description so please hurry and finish your post. I am sure you know the proper way to post a map but if you dont the next person to post will definitly give you a link.
  3. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    You probably have a few hours, (max 6) to get this fixed, otherwise you may get in trouble
  4. ODST Viper

    ODST Viper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All fixed up and I want honest opinions. Please be critical but helpful. Also, sorry for any inconvenience
  5. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    please make your download link directly to your map on; links to your file share are against FH post standards
  6. ODST Viper

    ODST Viper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All fixed..once more, sorry about any inconviences
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Next time you guys should link him to the "how to post pictures" page, seeing that he is new. And I think you have 24 hours to get a post up to standards before lock.
    @ "just defy"

    All that aside, I will comment on the map. The idea seems ok, focusing on vehicles. Have you playtested it yet? Things look slightly stacked in the Covenant's favor, but maybe that's just me (the Prowler seemed a bit too much).

    Is this a vehicle slayer map? According to what you said, this looks like a map where the Covenant have to push through to get to the human base. I think it would get boring for the Covenant to have to face this wall, while the humans can just wreck them behind cover. The wall kind of detracts from free-roaming vehicle combat. Also, the lazer and rockets are overkill compared to a lone fuel rod gun.

    What I would suggest is removing the walls and making symmetrical towers on both sides similar to the Covenant one already in place.

    EDIT: What kind of weapons are in the Covenant towers?
  8. ODST Viper

    ODST Viper Ancient
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    It is a slayer map and I get what your saying. I have play tested it and you are completely right. The Brute Vehicles overwhelmed the humans in the very start and it ended up being a giant spawn camping party.

    I added the wall to counter this. It gives each side to get ready and prepare for the opposing force. I'll try and switch it to 1-flag CTF and see how it turns out.

    Thanks for your help, I already know the major changes to make for version two. Thanks!!

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice idea but as we all know " Tank Beats Everything!!! ". i just think it may be a little unfair with the scoripion. i say to add hornets and banshis to even it up.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I realize this is your first map(yes I looked on you statistics :surprise:) but it's quite plain and basic, and the 2 tanks seem quite unfair. If you decide to make a V2 you should merge everything together at least. The covenant tower's not bad though. 3/5
  11. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This is not all that original, but you manage to spice it up with some walls and the covie tower. I don't know how many dl's your gonna get with just those pictures. For this kinda map, I think you need a video to let people see how the gameplay works. Also, it is Mongooses, not Mongeese. And nobody argue with me, because in the gametype options, under "weapons and vehicles", one of the "vehicles on map" options is "Mongooses Only."
    #11 ShaddoBlade, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  12. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    Thanks for getting the pictures up and the map looks okay. i do not see any interlocking from the pics but I could be wrong. Sence the name of the map is vehicle i did expect to see a lot of vehicles but not this many. I think that every vehicle on the map has been used. Is it truley fair. I always believed that the scoepian could blow up any thing anytime it wanted to. Especially if 1 team has 2 scorpians. I am sure it would be a lot of fun with a bunch of people as you suggested but I am afraid that this is a no download for me because nothing really stands out about this map.3/5
    keep forging and try using advanced forging techniques

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