HE Tennis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Nan0teck, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Download the Gametype here
    Download the Map here

    I made this game awhile back, when I was just a noob at forging. And frankly, I still am. But since then, I learned several new forging techniques that mostly, if not, all came from here. So, I decided to remake this map with the new techniques that I've learned.

    The objective of the game is simple: Kill the opposing team using only grenades by throwing them across the fence. Stickies are worth bonus points, as well as splatters (with the fusion coils if you're lucky, you will see them in the screenies). Grenades are placed everywhere but are somewhat organized into rows based on grenade type. Four rows of nades, one row for each nade type. First team to 100 kills wins.

    Players spawn with plasma pistols, have 200% damage resistance and no shields. Motion sensors are off (really...you don't need them in tennis =P) and gravity is set to 200%. With the extra damage resistance, you are able to survive two explosions. However, once you are hit by one explosion, you can only get hit once more regardless of how long you were not damaged.

    Oh yeah...and it's instant spawn with no betrayal/suicide penalties. So go crazy!!

    Another thing...assassinations and beatdowns count for -1 (so your score doesn't change) and you are able to jump over the fence by using the fusion coils to boost yourself...please don't. It ruins the fun.

    Here's a side-by-side comparison of the old and new tennis courts:

    Out with the old

    In with the new

    The new tennis court also comes with a spectators' area, parking lot, and announcer's box with a two-way door system. Don't ask me why I added those, they're mostly just for aesthetic reasons. Sorta makes it look a bit more like an actual stadium of some sort. I also added the option of a 3rd team (spectators) to be able to spawn up in the spectators' area and watch the game from a different perspective. Just watch out for flying bodies, and flying fusion coils.

    The floors were rushed, and the announcer's box didn't come out as well as I'd hoped. I tried my best to hide the teleporters in the announcer's box but it didn't work out too well. Oh well, at least they work =P

    Anyway, the game itself is pretty fun. I played the old HE Tennis with 12 of my friends...man, that was complete chaos. The new court is significantly smaller though, so I'd say 10 players should be the maximum number. The higher the player count, the crazier it gets. If you just want some fun, or if you're in need of a stress-reliever, this is the game for you.

    I'll convince you with some more action shots:

    Fusion coils simultaneously blowing up

    A little too close for comfort

    Another spectator shot

    Well, I still am just a novice at Forge, but with this I will continue to improve and hopefully get as good as many of you here at ForgeHub.

    I hope you will all enjoy!
    #1 Nan0teck, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. Nakigara

    Nakigara Ancient
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    i like it when bungie gets back up ill download it most defeintly
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    omg such a big difference from old and new! love it! kinda like stickball though
  4. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    couldn't the spectators get into the battle?
  5. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Well, the new one sure looks a lot better than the old. Basic concept, but good execution on your part. Could you please show us a game with all of your friends in it? And finally how many players are good in a game? Should we play doubles tennis? lol
  6. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Doubles tennis could work, but maybe lower the kill limit from 100...cause that will take a bit longer, lol. I'd say a good number for this would be 3v3 or 4v4. And I could try to arrange another game with my friends, but you really have to try it yourself to experience the chaos in this game.

    Unfortunately...yes they can interfere with the game. If there are some people who actually want to watch the game from a different perspective, go exploring (cause I did add some tidbits into this) or have to go AFK (or AFC, in this case) then they can switch to spectator at any time during the game.
    #6 Nan0teck, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Wow you really got better at forging in just a few (hours? Days?Weeks?) or maybe you just decided to take more time into it this time around. Either way AMAZING difference. I love the idea of a parking lot, spectator area, ect. It really shows that really anyone can make a good map if they try their hardest. The only thing though, is that spikeball is very similar to this, even though this is a better map. Spikeball was the most downloaded map for months on b.net and everyone has played it, so many people will not download just because they've played the original so many times like me.
  8. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Well, it was both the fact that I learned new forging techniques and I also spent much more time on this. And thank you very much for the feedback!
  9. xXitZ F1niCkyXx

    xXitZ F1niCkyXx Ancient
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    If u hold your shift key down for more than 3 seconds something funny pops up
  10. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Yeah, sticky keys. BTW, that was spam + necropost. Don't be doing that or you will be infracted for it.
  11. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    also a double post so thats three infractions ;]
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This looks pretty fun I would have put shield doors as walls thought because its really fun to bounce of the wall when sticking a person.
    Also work on cleaning the floor
    Looks nice
  13. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    I hate shield doors with a passion, and people could just walk through shield doors which is why I didn't use them as walls. I know the floors could've been cleaned up, but this was made months ago (Check the date of the OP) :p and I was nub at forging then.
  14. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Doubles tennis could work, but maybe lower the kill limit from 100...cause that will take a bit longer, lol. I'd say a good number for this would be 3v3 or 4v4. And I could try to arrange another game with my friends, but you really have to try it yourself to experience the chaos in this game. I think this map is really good very nice job. The interlocking on the courts is what makes this tennis look so really very nice job!!!!
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Not as walls, you dont understand what I am saying.
    Make regular walls with double boxes or walls and put shield doors on the inside so it allows bouncing nades.
  16. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    huys look at when this was posted

    these are all necroposts i have just reported this to mods.
  17. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    lol this has been established smart one, look at the first page.
  18. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Well, I guess I could try...but I don't think there are enough shield doors to surround the court. I could give it a try anyway. If it actually ends up working well, I could probably release a v3 with the shield doors and clean up the floors a bit.

    Exactly...try reading before you post.

    Glad to know people are still liking it even months later.

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