was kind of expected but now it's official, the end of HDDVD is nigh
I would have said this was official after Toshiba the designer and main supporter of this technology pulled the plug. none the less this situation has turned my hd dvd into a 200 dollar dvd up converter... =/
This is the reason I wait to get things like that. Since the HD-DVD players and movies are going to go down in price, it would almost be worth buying them.
the key word is almost, if you buy a ton of hd-dvd movies now you will get them at a discount but you are required to upgrade to blueray at some point to get new movies. Also if your player craps ut in the future it will be very difficult to find a replacement.
I was waiting for them to make them a black color to match my 360 Elite, and drop price, but now that the makers of HD DVD's have stopped production, and that they're going to stop HD DVD players from going into the market FOREVER, now I don't have to wait anymore.
You'd only have to upgrade if you want anything other than standard DVD or when Blu-ray becomes the standard DVD format. I wouldn't go out and buy the player or dvds because of those reasons. That and I don't have the money.
Well of course you wouldn't need to upgrade for those reasons, and also blu ray will never become the standard DVD format. If anything it will just replace it, Digital Video Disc or DVD is a competely different format. That's like saying that DVD will become the standard CD format.
It won't be the standard DVD but standard movie/video storage format. Like the DVD replaced the VHS tapes. I didn't say what I meant in that post.
So how long do you guys give Mocrisoft to start trying to sell us $400 blue ray attachments for the 360??? lol joking
Actually I don't think you're too far off from the truth, there have already be rumor circulating that MS is working on a blue ray addon. My bother in law works for MS and he claims to have seen a lot of blu ray activity at their 360 marketing head quarters in Canada. I just hope it doesn't cost more than $250 when and if it's released.
I didn't enter the format war anyway, so this doesn't really affect me much. Regular DVD's work fine for me. Although, I do feel sorry the people who recently bought the player recently.
I'll probably buy a dual-format player so i can get the HDDVD's at a discount and still play blurays also.
Don't digital downloads take way to long, download? At least for me it takes forever. I wanted to get the HDDVD player but my dad said no so I guess he was being smart lol. Then later I found out he doesn't really care for anything HD as long as we have HD channels.
yah i knew it was gonna happen, i feel kinda bad for the whole HD dvd thing how the got OWNED by blue ray
As any informed educated person would know, HD-DVD's have gone under and BlueRay has been announced victorious. I looked online on and I saw the dvd player for $49.99, which is incredibly low.
Yeah, it doesn't really need it anyway cuz about everybodies (not saying yours) haz like a built in DVD player. unless its plasma TV, then u just shuv it into the screen and it dissolves into some gel screen and starts playing.