Debate Videogames cause stupidity?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Well, this issue came up between my wife and I and has probably been argued between couples and teenagers and parents alike.

    My wife's claim is that video games make you "stupid", and that they can drain your social skills and make you socially improper.

    I argue that they don't, and instead, they make you think, and challenge you depending on which game type it is. They also can make you more imaginative.

    Obviously since I argue they don't make you "stupid", I'll state my opinions and reason why I believe this.

    (PS. Bare with me, I know it's long.)

    1. Video games are mostly unrealistic. I seriously doubt that most people will follow the whole Grand Theft Auto series and kill citizens. Although, every video (I've played), although unrealistic, gives you challenges and objects you have to complete in order to progress. Usually when you run into an obstacle, you would have to figure out a way to go through it. It may have many paths to take, but not all are successful. This, I believe, is what makes you think differently from people who do not play video games. With this said, I also believe that this causes you to get creative.

    2. Creativeness happens in video games. If you've read my blog about how Halo 3 alone is extremely creative, then you'll understand where I'm going with this. My belief is that people who play games more often, are able to thing of solutions to many different situations because they've had to be creative on how to get through the specific task the game gives you. Imagine forging in Halo 3. Think of all the great map ideas you yourself have came up with. I'm sure people are even thinking of aesthetics and with that, you could create a building in real life. What you're doing in Halo 3 is architectural work. Creating something that works smoothly, runs perfectly, and even looks good. It's what people desire in life.

    3. Social skills can dwindle down to nothing if the gamer allows their self to act that way. Although this subject also has to do with maturity levels, this is also related to what you hear around you. Younger children can pick up slang and words from video games and use them more easily without care for others. Usually when I'm in a public area, I don't swear. Whether it be Meijers, in a restaurant, or any other area, swearing for me seems impolite and rather rude. I think this area of discussion is more so how you were raised to be and what taught you're parents to be wrong or right (certainly know what to and what not to say, especially when punished by my father). For this area I completely believe that this depends on how the child was raised by their parents.

    Also, I searched for this topic and I found nothing, so I figured that I would make a discussion about it.
  2. Mr. Whitestain83

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    Your right about the train of thought for gamers, compared to non-gamers.

    Gamers tend to be more creative and they have skills in problem solving based on how they interpret the game they play.

    People that dont game can of course, be intelluctual and creative, but thet must study and memorize. Gaming brings that kind of thought to you in a easy and fun way, whether you notice it or not it teaches you as you play. Some random nonsense video games, however can cause a lack of knowledge.

    Any game that has no set objective or anyway to overcome anything generally isn't appealing to the gamer, so even if their was a game like that it wouldn't be very popular.

    Games are a great way to gain creative and problem solving skills, i agree with you.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Before I start mny post, did you really need to quote the whole post, Whitestain?

    Now, it all depends on what you call smart. How fast you can think? How much you know?

    For example, fast paced games can teach you to be good at long-term strategy and how to priortise targets at a moments notice.

    RTS game teach how to multitask and how to strategise at every second, that's ingnoring any reflex training.

    That's how games can make you think faster and probem solve in very little time.

    But in terms of how much you know... That's different. Sure, you'll be knowledgeable at that particular game but you won't be intelligent about the workings of Science or anything like that.
    Really, I can't really debate this until you really tell me what you/your wife considers smart.
  4. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    thats absurd. video games dont make you stupid. i have been playing m rated games since i was about 5(im 13 1/2 now) and i am an A/B student. hell, if i wasnt lazy, id be a A+ student.
  5. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    This is a bad topic to bring up in a gaming site... =P kidding.

    I can see that gaming can influence people, depending on age. This is why I believe young children should not play videogames,or watch a lot of TV for that matter. (Little kids pick up curse words pretty quick...) But that's besides the point.

    Videogames making you dumb? That's just ridiculous. Maybe, again, if a child was introduced into gaming at a young age he could get ADD or something. However, no one would become stupid from playing videogames in any way, shape, or form. It's like comparing roses to ecstasy. Videogames don't make you dumb, or lose brain cells, or do drugs, etc.

  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I can't believe this. It does damage brain cells, but it does not make you dumber. The lack of social life does. Gaming has actually made other smarter. It improves pre-frontal cortex of the brain, which is how fast you think.

    People often mistake that video games make you dumber. Not getting involved with the community does. When we just sit on the game 90% of the time, we are learning about the game more than the community. If gaming actually ran the world, then people would say gaming makes you smarter.

    Truth, don't spend too much time on games, but don't spend too little.
  7. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    first off I'd like to point out that you can't catch or get ADD you either have it or you don't its not a virus its on they same spectrum as autism.
    back to the debate I think that some games can actually stimulate the mind (I'm 16 1/2 by the way) in fact I have been grounded during the week for the last two months and my grades have actually decreased from what they were when I was allowed to play games as much as I want and they wont lift the grounding until I pull my grades back up but if do better when I play more often then it just seems impossible my point being is that I actually increase in my academics when I play games and it this be true for other people as well just putting my two cents in. however at the same time it can lead to some bad things like i want to think of a word and the thing that come to mind is SHOTGUNS
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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  9. l Himitsu l

    l Himitsu l Ancient
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    depends on what kind of games...if your playing the legend of zelda, youll probably get smarter with all the puzzles and stuff...if your playing something like grand theft auto...u wont get stupid...youll get ignorant
  10. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I've been gaming sense I was, well, I think 7-8 years old. I play Halo almost everyday with my friends. If it makes you stupid, then how do I have straight A's in high school? My social skills good, too. There's no way that video games make you stupid. Plus, Halo brings me and my friends together, and we get used to working as a team. I believe that Halo (or any video game for that matter) has a positive effect. Also, even in high school, I rarely swear. No offense, but your wife doesn't really know what shes talking about :(
  11. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Iwould say this site is a perfect example of how video games make you stupid and unsociable. I can't think of more than 5 people who I would hang out with in real life.
  12. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I used to be smart..

    Then I got an xbox, then an xbox 360. Now.. I have dropped to the lower classes at school. I don't feel as smart anymore.

    At school any information just goes in one ear and out the other. I can't learn/remmber stuff as well as I used to.

    Also, my motivation has dropped significantly. I don't really care anymore about anything.

    I think video games could be a large factor.

    However my mum was diagnosed with Multiple Schlerosis about 3 years ago, and my sister recently got an osteoma removed from behind her eye which was quite stressful for everyone.
    Maybe its the combination of all of these factors, that is to blame.

    Video games have definately affected my school education though.
  13. RogueFIST

    RogueFIST Ancient
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    I believe that video games don't make you less intelligent, i play reguarly and i am an A/B student. But i do believe that video games make you lazy. With hot keys and only a few buttons to press to do alot, it is slowly making video gamers lazier. I agree that it does increase thinking speed and help develop lateral thinking for problem solving.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    Videogames in no way cause stupidity. You mainly covered the main points, but the social issues can go either way. Ive seen no lifers who honestly have no friends like your wife said. I've also seen varsity football players hanging out with kids they would normally never talk to because they both just bought COD5. Either way, I have a 4.3 and play videogames, so it can't be all that bad.
  15. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Video games do not make you stupid. Ive had all A's and B's all the way threw college so no the games don't make you stupid!! so i agree with most people games don't make you stupid!!
  16. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    btw juggernaut i don't claim they make you stupid, stop lying!

    Edit: My wife got on my Forgehub account. Just so I don't confuse anyone or get an infraction from saying something so stupid. Although she still doesn't agree with me.
    #16 Juggernaut, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think people need to stop pointing fingers at everything that moves, and start taking responsibility for their own actions.

    Video games are just an excuse for another problem: laziness.
  18. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Everyone seeks entertainment, however video games are one of the few visual entertainment options that you really control.

    I'm not sure about others however I rarely watch TV, it could be said I replace TV with video games. I do this simply because I find video games more entertaining.

    Let's compare that to a very uncreative fictional character we'll call Bob. Bob spends the free time he has during the evenings watching an assortment of programs. While he watches TV, I spend my time Playing video games.

    Who do you think Is getting a greater mental simulation? Bob, who has absolutely no effect on the outcome of the show he's watching; or I, who must make decisions, and think over my situation in a game? Chances are I am.

    Of course everything in moderation; I'm not saying video games are the best thing you could do with your time. However I'm positive it's a much better alternative to invest your free time in then to watch a football game, or the newest episode of South park.

    ...Anyway watching Football is stupid :p
  19. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Video games defiantly don't make you stupid, although they can be addicting, thus promoting less care in School, or outside world things. This is more related WoW (World of Warcraft) types of games, otherwise know as MMORPG's. But if you are talking about Halo, this can be a very educating, and fun game.

    For example, during gameplay you will learn how to be smarter then your opponent, you will train faster reaction time, and promote the ability to think faster. As far as Forging goes, you will have the chance to be innavative on how you play out your map, on how the weapons are layed out, and the respawn times. You will use your mind greatly during the architecture part on both the map itself, and the things on it, tweaking all the small things to make the map awesome!

    But on my opinion, as far as video games making you stupid is false. They promote social skills, on meating new people, talking to them, and leading concersations.
  20. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    There is no scientific evidence showing a causal relationship between video games and intelligence. It's that simple.

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